Document title | Author | Year | Source |
Corporate risk stratification through an interpretable autoencoder-based model | Giuliani A., Savona R., Carta S., Addari G., Podda A.S., | 2025 | Computers and Operations Research |
Multi-scale deep learning ensemble for segmentation of endometriotic lesions | Podda A.S., Balia R., Barra S., Carta S., Neri M., Guerriero S., Piano L., | 2024 | Neural Computing and Applications |
RoadSense3D: A Framework for Roadside Monocular 3D Object Detection | Carta S., Castrillón-Santana M., Marras M., Mohamed S., Podda A.S., Saia R., Sau M., Zimmer W., | 2024 | UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
Towards Zero-shot Knowledge Graph building: Automated Schema Inference | Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Tiddia S.G., | 2024 | UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
Towards Knowledge Graph Refinement: Misdirected Triple Identification | Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., | 2024 | UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Smart Cities | Podda A.S., Carta S., Barra S., | 2024 | Sensors |
CARgram: CNN-based accident recognition from road sounds through intensity-projected spectrogram analysis | Podda A.S., Balia R., Pompianu L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., | 2024 | Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal |
Enhancing workplace safety: A flexible approach for personal protective equipment monitoring | Pisu A., Elia N., Pompianu L., Barchi F., Acquaviva A., Carta S., | 2024 | Expert Systems with Applications |
A Zero-Shot Strategy for Knowledge Graph Engineering Using GPT-3.5 | Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., | 2024 | Procedia Computer Science |
An End-to-End OCR-Free Solution For Identity Document Information Extraction | Carta S., Giuliani A., Piano L., Tiddia S.G., | 2024 | Procedia Computer Science |
Instruct Large Language Models for Public Administration Document Information Extraction | Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Pisu A., Tiddia S.G., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Brain Waves Combined with Evoked Potentials as Biometric Approach for User Identification: A Survey | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2024 | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems |
Influencing brain waves by evoked potentials as biometric approach: taking stock of the last six years of research | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2023 | Neural Computing and Applications |
FootApp: An AI-powered system for football match annotation | Barra S., Carta S.M., Giuliani A., Pisu A., Podda A.S., Riboni D., | 2023 | Multimedia Tools and Applications |
SailGenie: SAiling expertIse to knowLedge Graph through opEN Information Extraction | Carta S., Fariello P., Giuliani A., Piano L., Podda A.S., Tiddia S.G., | 2023 | Procedia Computer Science |
Electronic Components Authentication via Physical Analysis | Mura G., Carta S., Ricci P.C., Martines G., | 2023 | 2023 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 2023 |
Leveraging the Training Data Partitioning to Improve Events Characterization in Intrusion Detection Systems | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2023 | Journal of Advances in Information Technology |
Empowering Digital Transformation in Tourism through Intelligent Methods for Representation and Exploitation of Cultural Heritage Knowledge | Carta S., Fenu G., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Marras M., Piano L., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., | 2023 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
A Practical Approach for Vehicle Speed Estimation in Smart Cities | Barra S., Carta S., Meloni A., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., | 2023 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Statistical arbitrage powered by Explainable Artificial Intelligence | Carta S., Consoli S., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Stanciu M.M., | 2022 | Expert Systems with Applications |
Fair performance-based user recommendation in eCoaching systems | Boratto L., Carta S., Iguider W., Mulas F., Pilloni P., | 2022 | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction |
An eXplainable Artificial Intelligence tool for statistical arbitrage | Carta S., Consoli S., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Stanciu M.M., | 2022 | Software Impacts |
Fully-automated deep learning pipeline for segmentation and classification of breast ultrasound images | Podda A.S., Balia R., Barra S., Carta S., Fenu G., Piano L., | 2022 | Journal of Computational Science |
VSTAR: Visual Semantic Thumbnails and tAgs Revitalization | Carta S., Giuliani A., Piano L., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2022 | Expert Systems with Applications |
A Region-based Training Data Segmentation Strategy to Credit Scoring | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2022 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography |
Brain Waves and Evoked Potentials as Biometric User Identification Strategy: An Affordable Low-cost Approach | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2022 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography |
CulturAI: Semantic Enrichment of Cultural Data Leveraging Artificial Intelligence | Carta S.M., Consoli S., Giuliani A., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., | 2022 | IEEE Access |
Smart Contracts for Certified and Sustainable Safety-Critical Continuous Monitoring Applications | Elia N., Barchi F., Parisi E., Pompianu L., Carta S., Bartolini A., Acquaviva A., | 2022 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Explainable AI for Financial Forecasting | Carta S., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Stanciu M.M., | 2022 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
A Big Data framework based on Apache Spark for Industry-specific Lexicon Generation for Stock Market Prediction | Angioni S., Carta S., Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Stanciu M.M., | 2021 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
Credit scoring by leveraging an ensemble stochastic criterion in a transformed feature space | Carta S., Ferreira A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saia R., | 2021 | Progress in Artificial Intelligence |
Wireless internet, multimedia, and artificial intelligence: new applications and infrastructures | Saia R., Carta S., Bergmann O., | 2021 | Future Internet |
Heimdall: An AI-based infrastructure for traffic monitoring and anomalies detection | Atzori A., Barra S., Carta S., Fenu G., Podda A.S., | 2021 | 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2021 |
A multi-layer and multi-ensemble stock trader using deep learning and deep reinforcement learning | Carta S., Corriga A., Ferreira A., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., | 2021 | Applied Intelligence |
Multi-DQN: An ensemble of Deep Q-learning agents for stock market forecasting | Carta S., Ferreira A., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Sanna A., | 2021 | Expert Systems with Applications |
From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case Study on an Italian Banking Institution | Saia R., Giuliani A., Pompianu L., Carta S., | 2021 | International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, IC3K - Proceedings |
A Deep Learning Solution for Integrated Traffic Control Through Automatic License Plate Recognition | Balia R., Barra S., Carta S., Fenu G., Podda A.S., Sansoni N., | 2021 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Event Detection in Finance Using Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms on News and Tweets | Carta S., Consoli S., Piras L., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., | 2021 | PeerJ Computer Science |
Ensembling and Dynamic Asset Selection for Risk-Controlled Statistical Arbitrage | Carta S.M., Consoli S., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Stanciu M.M., | 2021 | IEEE Access |
Explainable Machine Learning Exploiting News and Domain-Specific Lexicon for Stock Market Forecasting | Carta S.M., Consoli S., Piras L., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., | 2021 | IEEE Access |
HawkEye: A visual framework for agile cross-validation of deep learning approaches in financial forecasting | Carta S., Consoli S., Corriga A., Dapiaggi R., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2020 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
A local feature engineering strategy to improve network anomaly detection | Carta S., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Saia R., | 2020 | Future Internet |
A Voice User Interface for football event tagging applications | Barra S., Carcangiu A., Carta S., Podda A.S., Riboni D., | 2020 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
Popularity prediction of instagram posts | Carta S., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Saia R., Usai G., | 2020 | Information (Switzerland) |
Modeling real-time data and contextual information from workouts in eCoaching platforms to predict users’ sharing behavior on Facebook | Boratto L., Carta S., Ibba F., Mulas F., Pilloni P., | 2020 | User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction |
Deep learning and time series-To-image encoding for financial forecasting | Barra S., Carta S.M., Corriga A., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., | 2020 | IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica |
Automated tag enrichment by semantically related trends | Arca A., Carta S., Giuliani A., Stanciu M.M., Recupero D.R., | 2020 | WEBIST 2020 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies |
Efficient thumbnail identification through object recognition | Carta S., Gaeta E., Giuliani A., Piano L., Recupero D.R., | 2020 | WEBIST 2020 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies |
A feature space transformation to intrusion detection systems | Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., | 2020 | IC3K 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management |
A Two-Step Feature Space Transforming Method to Improve Credit Scoring Performance | Carta S., Fenu G., Ferreira A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saia R., | 2020 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Dynamic Industry-Specific Lexicon Generation for Stock Market Forecast | Carta S., Consoli S., Piras L., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2020 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
A General Approach for Risk Controlled Trading Based on Machine Learning and Statistical Arbitrage | Carta S., Recupero D.R., Saia R., Stanciu M.M., | 2020 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
A combined entropy-based approach for a proactive credit scoring | Carta S., Ferreira A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saia M., Saia R., | 2020 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
Dissecting Ponzi schemes on Ethereum: Identification, analysis, and impact | Bartoletti M., Carta S., Cimoli T., Saia R., | 2020 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
Fraud detection for E-commerce transactions by employing a prudential Multiple Consensus model | Carta S., Fenu G., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saia R., | 2019 | Journal of Information Security and Applications |
Evaluating the benefits of using proactive transformed-domain-based techniques in fraud detection tasks | Saia R., Carta S., | 2019 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
A holistic auto-configurable ensemble machine learning strategy for financial trading | Carta S., Corriga A., Ferreira A., Recupero D.R., Saia R., | 2019 | Computation |
A discretized enriched technique to enhance machine learning performance in credit scoring | Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., Saia M., | 2019 | IC3K 2019 - Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management |
A discretized extended feature space (DEFS) model to improve the anomaly detection performance in network intrusion detection systems | Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., Stanciu M.M., | 2019 | IC3K 2019 - Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management |
A supervised multi-class multi-label word embeddings approach for toxic comment classification | Carta S., Corriga A., Mulas R., Recupero D.R., Saia R., | 2019 | IC3K 2019 - Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management |
Internet of entities (IoE): A blockchain-based distributed paradigm for data exchange between wireless-based devices | Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., | 2019 | SENSORNETS 2019 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sensor Networks |
Introducing a vector space model to perform a proactive credit scoring | Saia R., Carta S., | 2019 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Forecasting E-commerce products prices by combining an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and Google Trends data | Carta S., Medda A., Pili A., Recupero D.R., Saia R., | 2018 | Future Internet |
Guest Editorial: Behavioral-Data Mining in Information Systems and the Big Data Era | Boratto L., Carta S., Kaltenbrunner A., Manca M., | 2018 | Information Systems Frontiers |
Behavioral data mining to produce novel and serendipitous friend recommendations in a social bookmarking system | Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2018 | Information Systems Frontiers |
Recommender System Lets Coaches Identify and Help Athletes Who Begin Losing Motivation | Pilloni P., Piras L., Carta S., Fenu G., Mulas F., Boratto L., | 2018 | Computer |
A wavelet-based data analysis to credit scoring | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2018 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
A probabilistic-driven ensemble approach to perform event classification in intrusion detection system | Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., | 2018 | IC3K 2018 - Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management |
Predicting workout quality to help coaches support sportspeople | Boratto L., Carta S., Iguider W., Mulas F., Pilloni P., | 2018 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
NewsVallum: Semantics-Aware Text and Image Processing for Fake News Detection system | Armano G., Battiato S., Bennato D., Boratto L., Carta S.M., Noia T.D., Sciascio E.D., Ortis A., Recupero D.R., | 2018 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Employing document embeddings to solve the “new catalog” problem in user targeting, and provide explanations to the users | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Piras L., | 2018 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
A fourier spectral pattern analysis to design credit scoring models | Saia R., Carta S., | 2017 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
Semantics-aware content-based recommender systems: Design and architecture guidelines | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., | 2017 | Neurocomputing |
An e-coaching ecosystem: design and effectiveness analysis of the engagement of remote coaching on athletes | Boratto L., Carta S., Mulas F., Pilloni P., | 2017 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing |
Exploiting the evaluation frequency of the items to enhance the recommendation accuracy | Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2017 | Proceedings - 2016 Global Summit on Computer and Information Technology, GSCIT 2016 |
Analysis of the properties that affect the accuracy of a group recommender system | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2017 | Proceedings - 2016 Global Summit on Computer and Information Technology, GSCIT 2016 |
Second workshop on engineering computer-human interaction in recommender systems (EnCHIReS) | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2017 | Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, EICS 2017 |
The role of social interaction on users motivation to exercise: A persuasive web framework to enhance the self-management of a healthy lifestyle | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Manca M., Mulas F., Pilloni P., | 2017 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Investigating the role of the rating prediction task in granularity-based group recommender systems and big data scenarios | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2017 | Information Sciences |
Recommendation in persuasive eHealth systems: An effective strategy to spot users' losing motivation to exercise | Pilloni P., Piras L., Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Mulas F., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Preface on the second workshop on engineering computer-human interaction in recommender systems ((EnCHIReS 2017) | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Evaluating credit card transactions in the frequency domain for a proactive fraud detection approach | Saia R., Carta S., | 2017 | ICETE 2017 - Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications |
A frequency-domain-based pattern mining for credit card fraud detection | Saia R., Carta S., | 2017 | IoTBDS 2017 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security |
Influence of Rating Prediction on Group Recommendation’s Accuracy | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Mulas F., Pilloni P., | 2016 | IEEE Intelligent Systems |
Influence of rating prediction on group recommendation's accuracy | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Mulas F., Pilloni P., | 2016 | IEEE Intelligent Systems |
Binary sieves: Toward a semantic approach to user segmentation for behavioral targeting | Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2016 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
Discovery and representation of the preferences of automatically detected groups: Exploiting the link between group modeling and clustering | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2016 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
Using neural word embeddings to model user behavior and detect user segments | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., | 2016 | Knowledge-Based Systems |
A semantic approach to remove incoherent items from a user profile and improve the accuracy of a recommender system | Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2016 | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems |
Exploiting a Determinant-Based Metric to Evaluate a Word-Embeddings Matrix of Items | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., | 2016 | IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW |
Workshop on engineering human-computer interaction in recommender systems | Boratto L., Spano L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2016 | EICS 2016 - 8th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems |
A tool to analyze the reading behavior of the users in a mobile digital publishing platform | Boratto L., Cadeddu M., Carta S., Deplano G., Mereu F., | 2016 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Introduction to the special issue on human-computer interaction and the social web | Carta S., Boratto L., | 2016 | Future Internet |
A linear-dependence-based approach to design proactive credit scoring models | Saia R., Carta S., | 2016 | IC3K 2016 - Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management |
An entropy based algorithm for credit scoring | Saia R., Carta S., | 2016 | Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing |
Preface | Spano L., Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2016 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Improving the accuracy of latent-space-based recommender systems by introducing a cut-off criterion | Boratto L., Carta S., Saia R., | 2016 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
A class-based strategy to user behavior modeling in recommender systems | Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2016 | Studies in Computational Intelligence |
Representing items as word-embedding vectors and generating recommendations by measuring their linear independence | Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., | 2016 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Keep the beat: Audio guidance for runner training | Balvis L., Boratto L., Mulas F., Spano L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2016 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
ART: group recommendation approaches for automatically detected groups | Boratto L., Carta S., | 2015 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics |
The rating prediction task in a group recommender system that automatically detects groups: architectures, algorithms, and performance evaluation | Boratto L., Carta S., | 2015 | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems |
UP SCHOOL: Introduction of pervasive learning technologies to enhance classic educational models | Garau P., Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., | 2015 | Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology |
A new perspective on recommender systems: A class path information model | Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2015 | Proceedings of the 2015 Science and Information Conference, SAI 2015 |
A Latent Semantic Pattern Recognition Strategy for an Untrivial Targeted Advertising | Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2015 | Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, BigData Congress 2015 |
Using behavioral data mining to produce friend recommendations in a social bookmarking system | Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2015 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Multiple behavioral models: A divide and conquer strategy to fraud detection in financial data streams | Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2015 | IC3K 2015 - Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management |
Friend recommendation in a social bookmarking system: Design and architecture guidelines | Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2015 | Studies in Computational Intelligence |
Design and architecture of a friend recommender system in the social bookmarking domain | Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2014 | Proceedings of 2014 Science and Information Conference, SAI 2014 |
Mining user behavior in a social bookmarking system: A delicious friend recommender system | Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2014 | DATA 2014 - Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications |
Semantic coherence-based user profile modeling in the recommender systems context | Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2014 | KDIR 2014 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval |
Impact of content novelty on the accuracy of a group recommender system | Boratto L., Carta S., | 2014 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Modeling the preferences of a group of users detected by clustering: A group recommendation case-study | Boratto L., Carta S., | 2014 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
Experiences from a long run with a virtual personal trainer | Pilloni P., Spano L., Mulas F., Fenu G., Carta S., | 2014 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Using collaborative filtering to overcome the curse of dimensionality when clustering users in a group recommender system | Boratto L., Carta S., | 2014 | ICEIS 2014 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems |
Assessing the user experience design as a persuasive methodology in a real world sport application | Pilloni P., Mulas F., Piredda L., Carta S., | 2013 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
Using new communication technologies and social media interaction to improve the motivation of users to exercise | Mulas F., Pilloni P., Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2013 | 2nd International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies, FGCT 2013 |
Linking Human-Computer Interaction with the Social Web: A web application to improve motivation in the exercising activity of users | Mulas F., Pilloni P., Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., | 2013 | 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, CogInfoCom 2013 - Proceedings |
Queue-based scheduling for soft real time applications | Mulas F., Carta S., Acquaviva A., | 2011 | MMEDIA - International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia |
Everywhere Run: A virtual personal trainer for supporting people in their running activity | Mulas F., Carta S., Pilloni P., Manca M., | 2011 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
Groups identification and individual recommendations in group recommendation algorithms | Boratto L., Carta S., Satta M., | 2010 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
State-of-the-art in group recommendation and new approaches for automatic identification of groups | Boratto L., Carta S., | 2010 | Studies in Computational Intelligence |
Network-adaptive management of computation energy in wireless sensor networks | Mulas F., Acquaviva A., Carta S., Fenu G., Quaglia D., Fummi F., | 2010 | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing |
Group recommendation with automatic identification of users communities | Boratto L., Carta S., Chessa A., Agelli M., Clemente M., | 2009 | Proceedings - 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - Workshops, WI-IAT Workshops 2009 |
Thermal balancing policy for multiprocessor stream computing platforms | Mulas F., Atienza D., Acquaviva A., Carta S., Benini L., De Micheli G., | 2009 | IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems |
A feedback-based approach to DVFS in data-flow applications | Alimonda A., Carta S., Acquaviva A., Pisano A., Benini L., | 2009 | IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems |
RATC: A robust automated tag clustering technique | Boratto L., Carta S., Vargiu E., | 2009 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Temperature and leakage aware power control for embedded streaming applications | Alimonda A., Acquaviva A., Carta S., | 2008 | Proceedings - 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2008 |
Thermal balancing policy for streaming computing on multiprocessor architectures | Mulas F., Pittau M., Buttu M., Carta S., Benini L., Acquaviva A., Atienza D., De Micheli G., | 2008 | Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE |
Assessing task migration impact on embedded soft real-time streaming multimedia applications | Acquaviva A., Alimonda A., Carta S., Pittau M., | 2008 | Eurasip Journal on Embedded Systems |
Designing routing and message-dependent deadlock free networks on chips | Murali S., Meloni P., Angiolini F., Atienza D., Carta S., Benini L., De Micheli G., Raffo L., | 2008 | IFIP International Federation for Information Processing |
MiGra: A task migration algorithm for reducing temperature gradient in multiprocessor systems on chip | Carta S., Mereu F., Acquaviva A., De Micheli G., | 2007 | 2007 International Symposium on System-on-Chip Proceedings, SOC |
Impact of task migration on streaming multimedia for embedded multiprocessors: A quantitative evaluation | Pittau M., Alimonda A., Carta S., Acquaviva A., | 2007 | Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/ACM/IFIP Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, ESTIMedia 2007 |
On the impact of serialization on the cache performances in Network-on-Chip based MPSoCs | Meloni P., Busonera G., Carta S., Raffo L., | 2007 | Proceedings - 10th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2007 |
Optimizing the serialization factor in Networks-on-Chip: A case of study | Busonera G., Meloni P., Carta S., Raffo L., | 2007 | Proceedings of the 2007 Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics conference, PRIME 2007 |
Multi-processor operating system emulation framework with thermal feedback for systems-on-chip | Carta S., Pittau M., Acquaviva A., Del Valle P.G., Atienza D., De Micheli G., Rincon F., Benini L., Mendias J.M., | 2007 | Proceedings of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI |
A control theoretic approach to energy-efficient pipelined computation in MPSoCs | Carta S., Alimonda A., Pisano A., Acquaviva A., Benini L., | 2007 | Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems |
Synthesis of predictable networks-on-chip-based interconnect architectures for chip multiprocessors | Murali S., Atienza D., Meloni P., Carta S., Benini L., De Micheli G., Raffo L., | 2007 | IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems |
Area and power modeling for networks-on-chip with layout awareness | Meloni P., Loi I., Angiolini F., Carta S., Barbaro M., Raffo L., Benini L., | 2007 | VLSI Design |
A layout-aware analysis of networks-on-chip and traditional interconnects for MPSoCs | Angiolini F., Meloni P., Carta S.M., Raffo L., Benini L., | 2007 | IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems |
Area and power modeling methodologies for networks-on-chip | Meloni P., Carta S., Argiolas R., Raffo L., Angiolini F., | 2006 | 2006 1st International Conference on Nano-Networks and Workshops, Nano-Net |
Exploiting memory-boundedness in energy-efficient hard real-time scheduling | Spiga M., Spiga M., Alimonda A., Carta S., Aymerich F., Acquaviva A., | 2006 | Industrial Embedded Systems - IES'2006 |
Designing application-specific networks on chips with floorplan information | Murali S., Meloni P., Angiolini F., Atienza D., Carta S., Benini L., De Micheli G., Raffo L., | 2006 | IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Digest of Technical Papers, ICCAD |
Non-linear feedback control for energy efficient on-chip streaming computation | Alimonda A., Carta S., Acquaviva A., Pisano A., | 2006 | Industrial Embedded Systems - IES'2006 |
Automatic application partitioning on FPGA/CPU systems based on detailed low-level information | Busonera G., Marongiu A., Carta S., Raffo L., | 2006 | Proceedings of the 9th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2006 |
Reconfigurable coprocessor for multimedia application domain | Carta S., Pani D., Raffo L., | 2006 | Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology |
Routing aware switch hardware customization for networks on chips | Meloni P., Murali S., Carta S., Camplani M., Raffo L., De Micheli G., | 2006 | 2006 1st International Conference on Nano-Networks and Workshops, Nano-Net |
Designing message-dependent deadlock free networks on chips for application-specific systems on chips | Murali S., Meloni P., Angiolini F., Atienza D., Carta S., Benini L., De Michela G., Raffo L., | 2006 | IFIP VLSI-SoIC 2006 - IFIP WG 10.5 International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration and System-on-Chip |
Contrasting a NoC and a traditional interconnect fabric with layout awareness | Angiolini F., Meloni P., Carta S., Benini L., Raffo L., | 2006 | Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE |
A control theoretic approach to run-time energy optimization of pipelined processing in MPSoCs | Alimonda A., Acquaviva A., Carta S., Pisano A., | 2006 | Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE |
xpipes lite: A synthesis oriented design library for networks on chips | Stergiou S., Angiolini F., Carta S., Raffo L., Bertozzi D., De Micheli G., | 2005 | Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE '05 |
Remarkable cycles reduction in GSM voice coding by reconfigurable coprocessor with standard interface | Carta S.M., Raffo L., | 2003 | IEICE Transactions on Electronics |
Processing time saving in low power voice coding applications using synchronous reconfigurable co-processing architecture | Carta S.M., Raffo L., | 2002 | Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems |
44.6% processing cycles reduction in GSM voice coding by low-power reconfigurable co-processor architecture | Atzori E., Carta S., Raffo L., | 2002 | Electronics Letters |
Modular digital VLSI architecture for stereo depth estimation in industrial applications | Alimonda A., Carta S., Raffo L., | 1999 | Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems |
Business and pricing models for smart energy at building level: A Review | Lilliu F., Pietrobon M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2025 | Electric Power Systems Research |
Leveraging transformers architectures and augmentation for efficient classification of fasteners and natural language searches | Cauli N., Murgia M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Scarpi G., | 2024 | Discover Computing |
Workshop on Deep Learning and Large Language Models for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG) | Alam M., Buscaldi D., Reforgiato Recupero D., Cochez M., Gesese G.A., Osborne F., | 2024 | Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining |
Optimizing Tourism Accommodation Offers by Integrating Language Models and Knowledge Graph Technologies | Cadeddu A., Chessa A., De Leo V., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Salatino A., Secchi L., | 2024 | Information (Switzerland) |
A comparative analysis of knowledge injection strategies for large language models in the scholarly domain | Cadeddu A., Chessa A., De Leo V., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Salatino A., Secchi L., | 2024 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
Triplétoile: Extraction of knowledge from microblogging text | Zavarella V., Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fenu G., Angioni S., Buscaldi D., Dessí D., Osborne F., | 2024 | Heliyon |
Charting the Landscape of Digital Health: Towards A Knowledge Graph Approach to News Media Analysis | Zavarella V., Reforgiato D., Consoli S., Fenu G., | 2024 | UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
Exploring Student Interactions with AI in Programming Training | Fenu G., Galici R., Marras M., Reforgiato D., | 2024 | UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
Design of an AI-driven Architecture with Cobots for Digital Transformation to Enhance Quality Control in the Food Industry | Busia P., Marche C., Meloni P., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2024 | UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
Extending Asset Lifespan Through Data Augmentation-Assisted Quality Control | Alonso R., Noce G., Cutrona V., Recupero D.R., | 2024 | IFAC-PapersOnLine |
Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthetic Data Generation in Finance: Evaluating Statistical Similarities and Quality Assessment | Ramzan F., Sartori C., Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2024 | AI (Switzerland) |
A cooperative game-theory approach for incentive systems in local energy communities | Lilliu F., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2024 | Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks |
Interoperable software platforms for introducing artificial intelligence components in manufacturing: A meta-framework for security and privacy | Alonso R., Haber R.E., Castaño F., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2024 | Heliyon |
Integrating knowledge into conversational agents for worker upskilling | Alonso R., Dessí D., Meloni A., Murgia M., Diego R.R., | 2024 | Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: Enabling Intelligent, Flexible and Cost-Effective Production Through AI |
Improving digital twin experience through big data, IoT and social analysis: An architecture and a case study | Alonso R., Locci R., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2024 | Heliyon |
Overview of AI4DT&CP@IJCAI 2024: The Second Workshop on AI for Digital Twins and Cyber-Physical Applications | Lombardo G., Theusch F., Picone M., Recupero D.R., Vizzari G., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning for Bankruptcy Prediction: An End-to-End Architecture | Lombardo G., Bertogalli A., Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2024 | IEEE Access |
Synthetic Data Augmentation for Video Action Classification Using Unity | Cauli N., Recupero D.R., | 2024 | IEEE Access |
A Seamless ChatGPT Knowledge Plug-in for the Labour Market | Alonso R., DESSí D., Meloni A., Murgia M., Recupero D.R., Scarpi G., | 2024 | IEEE Access |
A Peak-Shaving-Oriented Incentive Mechanism for Smart Grids | Lilliu F., Recupero D.R., | 2024 | Proceedings of the World Congress on New Technologies |
Classifying Scientific Topic Relationships with SciBERT | Pisu A., Pompianu L., Salatino A., Osborne F., Riboni D., Motta E., Recupero D.R., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Towards Seamless Human-Robot Dialogue through a Robot Action Ontology | Recupero D.R., Boi L., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
DEFINING VALUABLE DATA AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT IN DIGITAL BUILDING LOGBOOKS: A FRAMEWORK FOR EFFECTIVE DATA STORAGE | Ibba A., Hwang S.A., Alonso R., Olivadese R., Recupero D.R., | 2024 | Proceedings of the European Conference on Computing in Construction |
Leveraging Language Models for Generating Ontologies of Research Topics | Pisu A., Pompianu L., Salatino A., Osborne F., Riboni D., Motta E., Recupero D.R., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Knowledge Graphs for Digital Transformation Monitoring in Social Media | Zavarella V., Recupero D.R., Consoli S., Fenu G., Angioni S., Buscaldi D., Dessí D., Osborne F., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
A Novel Knowledge Plug-In for Incorporating Information About Employability From the O*NET Database Into Conversational Agents | Alonso R., Dessi D., Meloni A., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2024 | IEEE Access |
Automating Citation Placement with Natural Language Processing and Transformers | Buscaldi D., Dessí D., Motta E., Murgia M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Investigating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Discussions in News: A Knowledge Graph Analysis Empowered by AI | Angioni S., Consoli S., Dessí D., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Exploring Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Discourse in News: An AI-Powered Investigation Through Knowledge Graph Analysis | Angioni S., Consoli S., Dessi D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Salatino A., | 2024 | IEEE Access |
Large Language Models for Scientific Question Answering: An Extensive Analysis of the SciQA Benchmark | Lehmann J., Meloni A., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A.A., Vahdati S., | 2024 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Citation prediction by leveraging transformers and natural language processing heuristics | Buscaldi D., Dessí D., Motta E., Murgia M., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2024 | Information Processing and Management |
Incentive mechanisms for the secure integration of renewable energy in local communities: A game-theoretic approach | Lilliu F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Vinyals M., Denysiuk R., | 2023 | Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks |
Leveraging augmentation techniques for tasks with unbalancedness within the financial domain: a two-level ensemble approach | Ranjbaran G., Reforgiato Recupero D., Lombardo G., Consoli S., | 2023 | EPJ Data Science |
Towards Effective Automatic Evaluation of Generated Reflections for Motivational Interviewing | Wu Z., Helaoui R., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., | 2023 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
Towards the definition of a European Digital Building Logbook: A survey | Alonso R., Olivadese R., Ibba A., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2023 | Heliyon |
Fuzzy optimized V-detector algorithm on Apache Spark for class imbalance issue of intrusion detection in big data | Kourid A., Chikhi S., Recupero D.R., | 2023 | Neural Computing and Applications |
Leveraging Return Prediction Approaches for Improved Value-at-Risk Estimation | Bagheri F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Sirnes E., | 2023 | Data |
A General and NLP-based Architecture to perform Recommendation: A Use Case for Online Job Search and Skills Acquisition | Alonso R., Dessì D., Meloni A., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2023 | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing |
Creation, Analysis and Evaluation of AnnoMI, a Dataset of Expert-Annotated Counselling Dialogues † | Wu Z., Balloccu S., Kumar V., Helaoui R., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., | 2023 | Future Internet |
Sensor Datasets for Human Daily Safety and Well-Being | Cauli N., Massa S.M., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., | 2023 | Studies in Computational Intelligence |
Ontology-Based Generation of Data Platform Assets | De Leo V., Fenu G., Greco D., Bidotti N., Platter P., Motta E., Nuzzolese A.G., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., | 2023 | Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2023 |
Text2AMR2FRED, a Tool for Transforming Text into RDF/OWL Knowledge Graphs via Abstract Meaning Representation | Gangemi A., Graciotti A., Meloni A., Nuzzolese A., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Russo A., Tripodi R., | 2023 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Preface | Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., | 2023 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Enhancing Scholarly Understanding: A Comparison of Knowledge Injection Strategies in Large Language Models | Cadeddu A., Chessa A., De Leo V., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A., Secchi L., | 2023 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Leveraging Knowledge Graphs with Large Language Models for Classification Tasks in the Tourism Domain | Cadeddu A., Chessa A., De Leo V., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A., Secchi L., | 2023 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
AIDA-Bot 2.0: Enhancing Conversational Agents with Knowledge Graphs for Analysing the Research Landscape | Meloni A., Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Birukou A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Motta E., | 2023 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Are Experts Needed? On Human Evaluation of Counselling Reflection Generation | Wu Z., Balloccu S., Reiter E., Helaoui R., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., | 2023 | Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics |
How Do You Feel? Information Retrieval in Psychotherapy and Fair Ranking Assessment | Kumar V., Medda G., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., Helaoui R., Fenu G., | 2023 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
A transformers-based approach for fine and coarse-grained classification and generation of MIDI songs and soundtracks | Angioni S., Lincoln-DeCusatis N., Ibba A., Recupero D.R., | 2023 | PeerJ Computer Science |
Data-Driven Methodology for Knowledge Graph Generation Within the Tourism Domain | Chessa A., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Salatino A., Secchi L., | 2023 | IEEE Access |
Integrating Conversational Agents and Knowledge Graphs Within the Scholarly Domain | Meloni A., Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Motta E., | 2023 | IEEE Access |
Human-centric artificial intelligence architecture for industry 5.0 applications | Rožanec J.M., Novalija I., Zajec P., Kenda K., Tavakoli Ghinani H., Suh S., Veliou E., Papamartzivanos D., Giannetsos T., Menesidou S.A., Alonso R., Cauli N., Meloni A., Recupero D.R., Kyriazis D., Sofianidis G., Theodoropoulos S., Fortuna B., Mladenić D., Soldatos J., | 2023 | International Journal of Production Research |
SCICERO: A deep learning and NLP approach for generating scientific knowledge graphs in the computer science domain | Dessí D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., | 2022 | Knowledge-Based Systems |
Data Science Application for Failure Data Management and Failure Prediction in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Case Study | Arena S., Manca G., Murru S., Orrù P.F., Perna R., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2022 | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) |
Modelling group dynamics for crowd simulations | Saeed R.A., Recupero D.R., Remagnino P., | 2022 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing |
LexTex: a framework to generate lexicons using WordNet word senses in domain specific categories | Dessì D., Diego R.R., | 2022 | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems |
Exploiting virtual reality and the robot operating system to remote-control a humanoid robot | Alonso R., Bonini A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Spano L.D., | 2022 | Multimedia Tools and Applications |
Special issue on senti-mental health: Future generation sentiment analysis systems | Buscaldi D., Dragoni M., Frasincar F., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2022 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
Special Issue on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs | Alam M., Fensel A., Martinez-Gil J., Moser B., Recupero D.R., Sack H., | 2022 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
Survey on Videos Data Augmentation for Deep Learning Models | Cauli N., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2022 | Future Internet |
AIDA: A knowledge graph about research dynamics in academia and industry | Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., | 2022 | Quantitative Science Studies |
Towards In-Context Non-Expert Evaluation of Reflection Generation for Counselling Conversations | Wu Z., Balloccu S., Helaoui R., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., | 2022 | GEM 2022 - 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics, Proceedings of the Workshop |
Preface | Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., | 2022 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Leveraging Knowledge Graph Technologies to Assess Journals and Conferences at Springer Nature | Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Birukou A., Recupero D.R., Motta E., | 2022 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
CS-KG: A Large-Scale Knowledge Graph of Research Entities and Claims in Computer Science | Dessí D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., | 2022 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Completing Scientific Facts in Knowledge Graphs of Research Concepts | Borrego A., Dessi D., Hernandez I., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Ruiz D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., | 2022 | IEEE Access |
Towards Automated Counselling Decision-Making: Remarks on Therapist Action Forecasting on the AnnoMI Dataset | Wu Z., Helaoui R., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., | 2022 | Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH |
K-LM: Knowledge Augmenting in Language Models Within the Scholarly Domain | Kumar V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Helaoui R., Riboni D., | 2022 | IEEE Access |
Enriching Data Lakes with Knowledge Graphs | Chessa A., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A., Secchi L., | 2022 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
ANNO-MI: A DATASET OF EXPERT-ANNOTATED COUNSELLING DIALOGUES | Wu Z., Balloccu S., Kumar V., Helaoui R., Reiter E., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., | 2022 | ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings |
Editorial of the Special Issue on Deep Learning and Knowledge Graphs | Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Sack H., | 2022 | Semantic Web |
The AIDA Dashboard: A Web Application for Assessing and Comparing Scientific Conferences | Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., | 2022 | IEEE Access |
Simulating crowd behaviour combining both microscopic and macroscopic rules | Saeed R.A., Recupero D.R., Remagnino P., | 2022 | Information Sciences |
Trans4E: Link prediction on scholarly knowledge graphs | Nayyeri M., Cil G.M., Vahdati S., Osborne F., Rahman M., Angioni S., Salatino A., Recupero D.R., Vassilyeva N., Motta E., Lehmann J., | 2021 | Neurocomputing |
A blockchain-based distributed paradigm to secure localization services | Saia R., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fenu G., | 2021 | Sensors |
An abstraction layer exploiting voice assistant technologies for effective human—robot interaction | Alonso R., Concas E., Recupero D.R., | 2021 | Applied Sciences (Switzerland) |
Multimodal human machine interactions in industrial environments | Alonso R., Cauli N., Recupero D.R., | 2021 | Trusted Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Review of the Emerging Wave of Ethical and Human Centric AI Technologies for Smart Production |
The boundary node method for multi-robot multi-goal path planning problems | Saeed R.A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Remagnino P., | 2021 | Expert Systems |
Semantic role labeling for knowledge graph extraction from text | Alam M., Gangemi A., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2021 | Progress in Artificial Intelligence |
Data science technologies in economics and finance: A gentle walk-in | Barbaglia L., Consoli S., Manzan S., Recupero D.R., Saisana M., Pezzoli L.T., | 2021 | Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications |
Preface | Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Saisana M., | 2021 | Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications |
Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications | Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Saisana M., | 2021 | Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications |
Simulating People Dynamics | Saeed R.A., Recupero D.R., Remagnino P., | 2021 | 2021 17th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2021 - Proceedings |
An assessment of deep learning models and word embeddings for toxicity detection within online textual comments | Dessì D., Recupero D.R., Sack H., | 2021 | Electronics (Switzerland) |
Generating knowledge graphs by employing Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques within the scholarly domain | Dessì D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., | 2021 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
Technology enhanced learning using humanoid robots | Recupero D.R., | 2021 | Future Internet |
Preface | Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saisana M., | 2021 | Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications |
Preface | Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Sack H., | 2021 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Towards Low-Resource Real-Time Assessment of Empathy in Counselling | Wu Z., Helaoui R., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., | 2021 | Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: Improving Access, CLPsych 2021 - Proceedings of the 7th Workshop, in conjunction with NAACL 2021 |
AIDA-bot: A conversational agent to explore scholarly knowledge graphs | Meloni A., Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., | 2021 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Assessing Scientific Conferences through Knowledge Graphs | Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Birukou A., Recupero D.R., Motta E., | 2021 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
A flexible and extensible project planning and management tool tailored for European projects | Alonso R., Bortoluzzi D., Costa A., Messervey T., Raciti M., Recupero D.R., | 2021 | International Journal of Services, Technology and Management |
STARdom: An Architecture for Trusted and Secure Human-Centered Manufacturing Systems | Rožanec J.M., Zajec P., Kenda K., Novalija I., Fortuna B., Mladenić D., Veliou E., Papamartzivanos D., Giannetsos T., Menesidou S.A., Alonso R., Cauli N., Recupero D.R., Kyriazis D., Sofianidis G., Theodoropoulos S., Soldatos J., | 2021 | IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology |
Link prediction of weighted triples for knowledge graph completion within the scholarly domain | Nayyeri M., Cil G.M., Vahdati S., Osborne F., Kravchenko A., Angioni S., Salatino A., Recupero D.R., Motta E., Lehmann J., | 2021 | IEEE Access |
Preface | Buscaldi D., Dessì D., Dragoni M., Recupero D.R., Sack H., | 2021 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
A Game-Theoretical Incentive Mechanism for Local Energy Communities | Lilliu F., Denysiuk R., Reforgiato Recupero D., Vinyals M., | 2021 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Intelligent Local Energy Communities: A Multiagent System Approach | Denysiuk R., Lilliu F., Vinyals M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2021 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Ensembling Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Morbidity Identification from Clinical Notes | Kumar V., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., Helaoui R., | 2021 | IEEE Access |
Recognition of cooking activities through air quality sensor data for supporting food journaling | Gerina F., Massa S.M., Moi F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., | 2020 | Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences |
Knowledge acquisition from parsing natural language expressions for humanoid robot action commands | Reforgiato Recupero D., Spiga F., | 2020 | Information Processing and Management |
Towards detecting need for empathetic response in motivational interviewing | Wu Z., Helaoui R., Kumar V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., | 2020 | ICMI 2020 Companion - Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction |
Multi-domain sentiment analysis with mimicked and polarized word embeddings for human–robot interaction | Atzeni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2020 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
SmartPHIL: 1st workshop on smart personal health interfaces | Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., | 2020 | International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Proceedings IUI |
AI-KG: An Automatically Generated Knowledge Graph of Artificial Intelligence | Dessì D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., Sack H., | 2020 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
The AIDA dashboard: Analysing conferences with semantic technologies | Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., | 2020 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
A flexible and scalable social robot architecture employing voice assistant technologies | Alonso R., Concas E., Recupero D.R., | 2020 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Preface | Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Sack H., | 2020 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Integrating Knowledge Graphs for Analysing Academia and Industry Dynamics | Angioni S., Salatino A.A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., | 2020 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Video action recognition and prediction architecture for a robotic coach | Cauli N., Recupero D.R., | 2020 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
TF-IDF vs word embeddings for morbidity identification in clinical notes: An initial study | Dessì D., Helaoui R., Kumar V., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., | 2020 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Peer-to-peer energy trading for smart energy communities | Denysiuk R., Lilliu F., Recupero D.R., Vinyals M., | 2020 | ICAART 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence |
Multiagent system for community energy management | Denysiuk R., Lilliu F., Vinyals M., Recupero D.R., | 2020 | ICAART 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence |
A Boundary Node Method for path planning of mobile robots | Saeed R., Recupero D., Remagnino P., | 2020 | Robotics and Autonomous Systems |
An uncertainty-aware optimization approach for flexible loads of smart grid prosumers: A use case on the Cardiff energy grid | Lilliu F., Loi A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Sisinni M., Vinyals M., | 2019 | Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks |
Frame-Based Detection of Figurative Language in Tweets [Application Notes] | Reforgiato Recupero D., Alam M., Buscaldi D., Grezka A., Tavazoee F., | 2019 | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine |
FineNews: fine-grained semantic sentiment analysis on financial microblogs and news | Dridi A., Atzeni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2019 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics |
Leveraging semantics for sentiment polarity detection in social media | Dridi A., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2019 | International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics |
A novel payment scheme for trading renewable energy in smart grid | Lilliu F., Vinyals M., Denysiuk R., Recupero D.R., | 2019 | e-Energy 2019 - Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems |
Bridging learning analytics and Cognitive Computing for Big Data classification in micro-learning video collections | Dessì D., Fenu G., Marras M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2019 | Computers in Human Behavior |
Preface | Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Petković M., | 2019 | Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications |
A flexible and scalable architecture for human-robot interaction | Reforgiato Recupero D., Dessì D., Concas E., | 2019 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Toward supporting food journaling using air quality data mining and a social robot | Gerina F., Pes B., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., | 2019 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Mining Scholarly Publications for Scientific Knowledge Graph Construction | Buscaldi D., Dessì D., Motta E., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2019 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Integrating knowledge graphs for comparing the scientific output of academia and industry | Angioni S., Osborne F., Salatino A., Recupero D., Motta E., | 2019 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Parsing natural language sentences into robot actions | Bardaro G., Dessí D., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., | 2019 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Path planning of a mobile robot in grid space using boundary node method | Saeed R.A., Recupero D.R., | 2019 | ICINCO 2019 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics |
Mining scholarly data for fine-grained knowledge graph construction | Buscaldi D., Dessì D., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., | 2019 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Evaluating neural word embeddings created from online course reviews for sentiment analysis | Dessì D., Dragoni M., Fenu G., Marras M., Recupero D.R., | 2019 | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing |
Data science in healthcare: Benefits, challenges and opportunities | Abedjan Z., Boujemaa N., Campbell S., Casla P., Chatterjea S., Consoli S., Costa-Soria C., Czech P., Despenic M., Garattini C., Hamelinck D., Heinrich A., Kraaij W., Kustra J., Lojo A., Sanchez M.M., Mayer M.A., Melideo M., Menasalvas E., Aarestrup F.M., Artigot E.N., Petković M., Recupero D.R., Gonzalez A.R., Kerremans G.R., Roller R., Romao M., Ruping S., Sasaki F., Spek W., Stojanovic N., Thoms J., Vasiljevs A., Verachtert W., Wuyts R., | 2019 | Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications |
Data science for healthcare: Methodologies and applications | Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Petković M., | 2019 | Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications |
Ontology-based knowledge management for comprehensive geriatric assessment and reminiscence therapy on social robots | Asprino L., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Russo A., | 2019 | Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications |
Analysis of topic propagation in therapy sessions using partially labeled latent dirichlet allocation | Chaoua I., Consoli S., Härmä A., Helaoui R., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2019 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
MARIO Project: Experimentation in the Hospital Setting | D’Onofrio G., Sancarlo D., Raciti M., Reforgiato D., Mangiacotti A., Russo A., Ricciardi F., Vitanza A., Cantucci F., Presutti V., Messervey T., Nolfi S., Cavallo F., Barret E., Whelan S., Casey D., Giuliani F., Greco A., | 2019 | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering |
A recommender system of medical reports leveraging cognitive computing and frame semantics | Dessì D., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fenu G., Consoli S., | 2019 | Intelligent Systems Reference Library |
Using frame-based resources for sentiment analysis within the financial domain | Atzeni M., Dridi A., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2018 | Progress in Artificial Intelligence |
SuperNoder: a tool to discover over-represented modular structures in networks | Dessì D., Cirrone J., Recupero D.R., Shasha D., | 2018 | BMC bioinformatics |
Fine-Tuning of Word Embeddings for Semantic Sentiment Analysis | Atzeni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2018 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Preface | Buscaldi D., Gangemi A., Recupero D., | 2018 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Deep learning and sentiment analysis for human-robot interaction | Atzeni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2018 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Detecting and tracking ongoing topics in psychotherapeutic conversations | Chaoua I., Recupero D., Consoli S., Härmä A., Helaoui R., | 2018 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Supervised topic-based message polarity classification using cognitive computing | Ferru D.S., Ibba F., Recupero D.R., | 2018 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Leveraging cognitive computing for gender and emotion detection | Corriga A., Cusimano S., Malloci F.M., Marchesi L., Recupero D.R., | 2018 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
COCO: Semantic-enriched collection of online courses at scale with experimental use cases | Dessì D., Fenu G., Marras M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2018 | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing |
Event-based knowledge reconciliation using frame embeddings and frame similarity | Alam M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Mongiovi M., Gangemi A., Ristoski P., | 2017 | Knowledge-Based Systems |
Producing Linked Data for Smart Cities: The Case of Catania | Consoli S., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Mongiovi' M., Gangemi A., | 2017 | Big Data Research |
Reconciling event-based knowledge through RDF2Vec | Alam M., Recupero D.R., Mongiovi M., Gangemi A., Ristoski P., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Fine-grained sentiment analysis on financial microblogs and news headlines | Atzeni M., Dridi A., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2017 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Semantic sentiment analysis challenge at ESWC2017 | Reforgiato Recupero D., Cambria E., Di Rosa E., | 2017 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
AMR2FRED, A Tool for Translating Abstract Meaning Representation to Motif-Based Linguistic Knowledge Graphs | Meloni A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Gangemi A., | 2017 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Leveraging Cognitive Computing for Multi-class Classification of E-learning Videos | Dessì D., Fenu G., Marras M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2017 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Language independent sentiment analysis of the Shukran social network using apache spark | Iguider W., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2017 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Frame embeddings for event-based knowledge reconciliation | Alam M., Recupero D.R., Mongiovi M., Gangemi A., Ristoski P., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Frame semantic parsing using Framester knowledge graphs | Recupero D.R., Alam M., Gangemi A., Presutti V., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Exploiting cognitive computing and frame semantic features for biomedical document clustering | Dessì D., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., Consoli S., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
An approach for discovering and exploring semantic relationships between genes | Dessì N., Pani M., Pes B., Recupero D., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Autonomous comprehensive geriatric assessment | Asprino L., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Russo A., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Interacting with Dementia: The MARIO Approach | Kouroupetroglou C., Casey D., Raciti M., Barrett E., D'Onofrio G., Ricciardi F., Giuliani F., Greco A., Sancarlo D., Mannion A., Whelan S., Pegman G., Koumpis A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Kouroupetroglou A., Santorelli A., | 2017 | Studies in Health Technology and Informatics |
Bearish-bullish sentiment analysis on financial microblogs | Dridi A., Atzeni M., Recupero D.R., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
MORE SENSE: MOvie REviews SENtiment analysis boosted with SEmantics | Dridi A., Recupero D.R., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Semantic Web Machine Reading with FRED | Gangemi A., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Nuzzolese A.G., Draicchio F., Mongiovì M., | 2017 | Semantic Web |
Identifying motifs for evaluating open knowledge extraction on the Web | Gangemi A., Recupero D.R., Mongiovì M., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., | 2016 | Knowledge-Based Systems |
Merging open knowledge extracted from text with MERGILO | Mongiovì M., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., Presutti V., Consoli S., | 2016 | Knowledge-Based Systems |
Increasing open government data transparency with spatial dimension | Dessi N., Garau G., Recupero D.R., Pes B., | 2016 | Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2016 |
An Innovative, Open, Interoperable Citizen Engagement Cloud Platform for Smart Government and Users’ Interaction | Reforgiato Recupero D., Castronovo M., Consoli S., Costanzo T., Gangemi A., Grasso L., Lodi G., Merendino G., Mongiovì M., Presutti V., Rapisarda S.D., Rosa S., Spampinato E., | 2016 | Journal of the Knowledge Economy |
Framester: A wide coverage linguistic linked data hub | Gangemi A., Alam M., Asprino L., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., | 2016 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
ACM: Article content miner for assessing the quality of scientific output | Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2016 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Challenge on fine-grained sentiment analysis within ESWC2016 | Dragoni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2016 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Towards interval version of fuzzy synsets | Hossayni S.A., Rajati M.R., Del Acebo E., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., Akbarzadeht M.R., De La Rosa Esteva J.L., | 2016 | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications |
Adjective semantics in open knowledge extraction | Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2016 | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications |
Fuzzy synsets, and lexicon-based sentiment analysis | Hossayni S.A., Akbarzadeh-T M.R., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., De La Rosa I Esteva J.L., | 2016 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
From hyperlinks to Semantic Web properties using Open Knowledge Extraction | Presutti V., Nuzzolese A.G., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Recupero D.R., | 2016 | Semantic Web |
Semantic reconciliation of knowledge extracted from text through a novel machine reader | Mongiovì M., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., Presutti V., Nuzzolese A.G., Consoli S., | 2015 | Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP 2015 |
An urban fault reporting and management platform for smart cities | Consoli S., Presutti V., Recupero D., Cataldi G., Mongiovì M., Patatu W., | 2015 | WWW 2015 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web |
Extracting knowledge from text using SHELDON, a semantic holistic framEwork for LinkeD ONtology data | Recupero D.R., Nuzzolese A.G., Consoli S., Presutti V., Peroni S., Mongiovì M., | 2015 | WWW 2015 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web |
A smart city data model based on semantics best practice and principles | Consoli S., Mongiovì M., Nuzzolese A., Peroni S., Presutti V., Recupero D., Spampinato D., | 2015 | WWW 2015 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web |
Conference live: Accessible and sociable conference semantic data | Gentile A.L., Acosta M., Costabello L., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., | 2015 | WWW 2015 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web |
Sentilo: Frame-Based Sentiment Analysis | Reforgiato Recupero D., Presutti V., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., | 2015 | Cognitive Computation |
ESWC 15 challenge on concept-level sentiment analysis | Recupero D.R., Dragoni M., Presutti V., | 2015 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
MACJa: Metadata and citations jailbreaker | Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Recupero D.R., | 2015 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Using FRED for named entity resolution, linking and typing for knowledge base population | Consoli S., Recupero D.R., | 2015 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Smart Grid Futures: Perspectives on the Integration of Energy and ICT Services | Mourshed M., Robert S., Ranalli A., Messervey T., Reforgiato D., Contreau R., Becue A., Quinn K., Rezgui Y., Lennard Z., | 2015 | Energy Procedia |
Engaging users in tracking their water usage behavior | Kouroupetroglou C., Piso M., Derguech W., Curry E., Mink J., Recupero D.R., Raciti M., Van Slooten J., Coakley D., | 2015 | Procedia Engineering |
SHELDON: Semantic holistic framework for linked ontology data | Recupero D.R., Nuzzolese A.G., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Presutti V., | 2015 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Legalo: Revealing the semantics of links | Consoli S., Nuzzolese A., Presutti V., Recupero D., Gangemi A., | 2015 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Frame-based detection of opinion holders and topics: A model and a tool | Gangemi A., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2014 | IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine |
FRED as an event extraction tool | Gangemi A., Hassan E., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., | 2014 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Semantic web-based sentiment analysis | Recupero D.R., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Spampinato D., | 2014 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Towards emergency vehicle routing using Geolinked Open Data: The case study of the Municipality of Catania | Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Spampinato D., | 2014 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Preface | Gangemi A., Alani H., Nissim M., Cambria E., Recupero D.R., | 2014 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Uncovering the semantics of Wikipedia pagelinks | Presutti V., Consoli S., Nuzzolese A.G., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., Bannour I., Zargayouna H., | 2014 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
A semantic web based core engine to efficiently perform sentiment analysis | Recupero D.R., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Spampinato D., | 2014 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Setting the course of emergency vehicle routing using Geolinked open data for the municipality of catania | Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Recupero D.R., Spampinato D., | 2014 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
ESWC’14 challenge on Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis | Reforgiato Recupero D., Cambria E., | 2014 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Semantic Web Evaluation Challenge: SemWebEval 2014 at ESWC 2014 Anissaras, Crete, Greece, May 25–29, 2014 Revised Selected Papers | Presutti V., Stankovic M., Cambria E., Cantador I., Di Iorio A., Di Noia T., Lange C., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2014 | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Geolinked open data for the municipality of Catania | Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A., Peroni S., Presutti V., Recupero D., Spampinato D., | 2014 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
A survey on tidal analysis and forecasting methods for Tsunami detection | Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Zavarella V., | 2014 | Science of Tsunami Hazards |
A northbound interface for power management in next generation network devices | Bolla R., Bruschi R., Davoli F., Donadio P., Fialho L., Collier M., Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Szemethy T., | 2014 | IEEE Communications Magazine |
Exposing energy-aware capabilities in next generation network devices | Bolla R., Bruschi R., Davoli F., Donadio P., Fialho L., Collier M., Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Szemethy T., | 2013 | 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC 2013 |
The green abstraction layer: A standard power-management interface for next-generation network devices | Bolla R., Bruschi R., Davoli F., Di Gregorio L., Donadio P., Fialho L., Collier M., Lombardo A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Szemethy T., | 2013 | IEEE Internet Computing |
A comprehensive platform to manage peer churn and bandwidth fluctuations in real-time multimedia P2P networks | Incarbone G., Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., | 2013 | Multimedia Tools and Applications |
Toward a green internet | Recupero D.R., | 2013 | Science |
A machine rèader for the semantic web | Gangemi A., Draicchio F., Presutti V., Nuzzolese A.G., Reforgiato D., | 2013 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Design of a temperature-constrained governor to save energy in an open multi-frequency green router | Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Schembra G., | 2013 | International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking |
Toward a green Internet (Science (1533)) | Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2013 | Science |
Modeling temperature and dissipation behavior of an open multi-frequency green router | Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Schembra G., | 2012 | 2012 IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications, GreenCom 2012 |
A Markov model to control heat dissipation in open multi-frequency green routers | Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Schembra G., | 2012 | 2012 Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, SustainIT 2012 |
Design of a service platform for delay-sensitive video streaming applications based on multicast p2p and scalable MDC encoding | Favalli L., Folli M., Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., | 2012 | Computer Communications |
Exporting data-plane energy-aware capabilities from network devices toward the control plane: The Green Abstraction Layer | Reforgiato D., Lombardo A., Davoli F., Fialho L., Collier M., Donadio P., Bolla R., Bruschi R., | 2012 | 2012 17th European Conference on Network and Optical Communications, NOC 2012, 7th Conference on Optical Cabling and Infrastructure, OC and I 2012 |
Power control and management in the NetFPGA gigabit router | Lombardo A., Panarello C., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., | 2012 | 2012 Future Network and Mobile Summit, FutureNetw 2012 |
Measuring and modeling energy consumption to design a green NetFPGA giga-router | Lombardo A., Panarello C., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., | 2012 | Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM |
A dynamic jitter-controlled tree-based p2p network topology for multipoint multimedia applications | Lombardo A., Masto A., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., | 2012 | Journal of Interconnection Networks |
A module for packet hijacking in NetFPGA platform | Lombardo A., Panarello C., Reforgiato D., Santagati E., Schembra G., | 2011 | Proceedings - 2011 14th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2011 |
A banner recommendation system based on web navigation history | Giuffrida G., Reforgiato D., Tribulato G., Zarba C., | 2011 | IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIDM 2011: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining |
Annotated RDF | Udrea O., Recupero D.R., Subrahmanian V.S., | 2010 | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic |
P2P and MPEG FGS encoding: A good recipe for multipoint video transmission on the internet | Reforgiato D., Lombardo A., Schembra G., | 2009 | International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting |
GraphClust: A method for clustering database of graphs | Reforgiato D., Gutierrez R., Shasha D., | 2008 | Journal of Information and Knowledge Management |
AVA: Adjective-Verb-Adverb Combinations for Sentiment Analysis | Subrahmanian V.S., Reforgiato D., | 2008 | IEEE Intelligent Systems |
Sentiment analysis: Adjectives and adverbs are better than adjectives alone | Benamara F., Cesarano C., Picariello A., Reforgiato D., Subrahmanian V.S., | 2007 | ICWSM 2007 - International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media |
The OASYS 2.0 opinion analysis system: A demo | Cesarano C., Picariello A., Reforgiato D., Subrahmanian V.S., | 2007 | ICWSM 2007 - International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media |
A new unsupervised method for document clustering by using WordNet lexical and conceptual relations | Recupero D.R., | 2007 | Information Retrieval |
Advanced indexing schema for imaging applications: Three case studies | Battiato S., Di Blasi G., Reforgiato D., | 2007 | IET Image Processing |
CARA: A cultural-reasoning architecture | Subrahmanian V.S., Albanese M., Martinez M.V., Nau D., Reforgiato D., Simari G.I., Sliva A., Udrea O., Wilkenfeld J., | 2007 | IEEE Intelligent Systems |
Opinion analysis in document databases | Cesarano C., Picariello A., Reforgiato D., Sagoff A., Subrahmanian V.S., Dorr B., | 2006 | AAAI Spring Symposium - Technical Report |
Annotated RDF | Udrea O., Recupero D.R., Subrahmanian V.S., | 2006 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Strutture dati e algoritmi per problemi di ottimizzazione e di ricerca in spazi metrici e grafi | Recupero D.R., | 2005 | Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana A |
Antipole tree indexing to support range search and k-nearest neighbor search in metric spaces | Cantone D., Ferro A., Pulvirenti A., Recupero D.R., Shasha D., | 2005 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
Clustered trie structures for approximate search in hierarchical objects collections | Giugno R., Pulvirenti A., Reforgiato Recupero D., | 2005 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
An Initial Investigation of Mental Well-being Monitoring through Personal Healthcare Devices | Massa S.M., Porcu E., Riboni D., | 2024 | UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
Unobtrusive Cognitive Assessment in Smart-Homes: Leveraging Visual Encoding and Synthetic Movement Traces Data Mining | Zolfaghari S., Kristoffersson A., Folke M., Lindén M., Riboni D., | 2024 | Sensors |
Context-Aware Behavioral Tips to Improve Sleep Quality via Machine Learning and Large Language Models | Corda E., Massa S.M., Riboni D., | 2024 | Future Internet |
Explainable AI-Powered Graph Neural Networks for HD EMG-Based Gesture Intention Recognition | Massa S.M., Riboni D., Nazarpour K., | 2024 | IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics |
Sensor-Based Locomotion Data Mining for Supporting the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Survey | Zolfaghari S., Suravee S., Riboni D., Yordanova K., | 2024 | ACM Computing Surveys |
CoMoRea 2024: 20th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition - Welcome and Committees | Civitarese G., Hirmer P., Indulska J., Bettini C., Nicklas D., Riboni D., Stuckenschmidt H., Wieland M., Bauer M., David K., Dürr F., Pinheiro M.K., Lalanda P., Zhong M., | 2024 | 2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2024 |
Activity Recognition in Smart Homes via Feature-Rich Visual Extraction of Locomotion Traces | Zolfaghari S., Massa S.M., Riboni D., | 2023 | Electronics (Switzerland) |
Monitoring Human Attention with a Portable EEG Sensor and Supervised Machine Learning | Massa S.M., Usai G., Riboni D., | 2023 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
TraMiner: Vision-Based Analysis of Locomotion Traces for Cognitive Assessment in Smart-Homes | Zolfaghari S., Khodabandehloo E., Riboni D., | 2022 | Cognitive Computation |
FreeSia: A Cyber-physical System for Cognitive Assessment through Frequency-domain Indoor Locomotion Analysis | Khodabandehloo E., Alimohammadi A., Riboni D., | 2022 | ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems |
Graph Neural Networks for HD EMG-based Movement Intention Recognition: An Initial Investigation | Massa S.M., Riboni D., Nazarpour K., | 2022 | RASSE 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering, Symposium Proceedings |
A Combination of Visual and Temporal Trajectory Features for Cognitive Assessment in Smart Home | Zolfaghari S., Loddo A., Pes B., Riboni D., | 2022 | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management |
Exploiting Feature Selection in Human Activity Recognition: Methodological Insights and Empirical Results Using Mobile Sensor Data | Manca M.M., Pes B., Riboni D., | 2022 | IEEE Access |
Feature Selection in Mobile Activity Recognition: A Comparative Study | Loddo A., Pes B., Riboni D., | 2021 | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management |
Towards EEG-based Performance Assessment in Dataset Annotation Tasks | Massa S.M., Pibiri M., Riboni D., | 2021 | 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2021 |
HealthXAI: Collaborative and explainable AI for supporting early diagnosis of cognitive decline | Khodabandehloo E., Riboni D., Alimohammadi A., | 2021 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
Towards Context-aware Power Forecasting in Smart-homes | Cuncu E., Manca M.M., Pes B., Riboni D., | 2021 | Procedia Computer Science |
AI-based analysis of policies and images for privacy-conscious content sharing | Contu F., Demontis A., Dessì S., Muscas M., Riboni D., | 2021 | Future Internet |
POLARIS: Probabilistic and ontological activity recognition in smart-homes | Civitarese G., Sztyler T., Riboni D., Bettini C., Stuckenschmidt H., | 2021 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
Collaborative Trajectory Mining in Smart-Homes to Support Early Diagnosis of Cognitive Decline | Khodabandehloo E., Riboni D., | 2021 | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing |
Towards Vision-based Analysis of Indoor Trajectories for Cognitive Assessment | Zolfaghari S., Khodabandehloo E., Riboni D., | 2020 | Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing, SMARTCOMP 2020 |
DoMoMEA: A Home-Based Telerehabilitation System for Stroke Patients | Zedda A., Gusai E., Caruso M., Bertuletti S., Baldazzi G., Spanu S., Riboni D., Pibiri A., Monticone M., Cereatti A., Pani D., | 2020 | Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS |
Reasoning with smart objects’ affordance for personalized behavior monitoring in pervasive information systems | Matassa A., Riboni D., | 2020 | Knowledge and Information Systems |
Unsupervised Recognition of Multi-Resident Activities in Smart-Homes | Riboni D., Murru F., | 2020 | IEEE Access |
Sensor-based activity recognition: One picture is worth a thousand words | Riboni D., Murtas M., | 2019 | Future Generation Computer Systems |
Opportunistic pervasive computing: adaptive context recognition and interfaces | Riboni D., | 2019 | CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction |
The privacy implications of cyber security systems: A technological survey | Toch E., Bettini C., Shmueli E., Radaelli L., Lanzi A., Riboni D., Lepri B., | 2019 | ACM Computing Surveys |
newNECTAR: Collaborative active learning for knowledge-based probabilistic activity recognition | Civitarese G., Bettini C., Sztyler T., Riboni D., Stuckenschmidt H., | 2019 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Situation-aware intelligent environments | Riboni D., Mecella M., | 2019 | Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments |
Preface | Lukowicz P., Riboni D., Augusto J., Mecella M., | 2018 | Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2018 |
NECTAR: Knowledge-based Collaborative Active Learning for Activity Recognition | Civitarese G., Bettini C., Sztyler T., Riboni D., Stuckenschmidt H., | 2018 | 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2018 |
Special issue on context awareness | Riboni D., | 2018 | Information (Switzerland) |
Toward naturalistic self-monitoring of medicine intake | Curci S., Mura A., Riboni D., | 2017 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
Web mining & computer vision: New partners for object-based activity recognition | Riboni D., Murtas M., | 2017 | Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 26th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2017 |
Demonstration of a sensor-based app for self-monitoring of medicine intake | Curci S., Mura A., Riboni D., | 2017 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Special Issue IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) 2016 | Becker C., Dürr F., Payton J., Riboni D., | 2017 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Unsupervised recognition of interleaved activities of daily living through ontological and probabilistic reasoning | Riboni D., Sztyler T., Civitarese G., Stuckenschmidt H., | 2016 | UbiComp 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing |
Welcome Message from the Technical Program Chairs | Becker C., Düff F., Payton J., Riboni D., | 2016 | 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2016 |
Analysis of long-term abnormal behaviors for early detection of cognitive decline | Riboni D., Civitarese G., Bettini C., | 2016 | 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2016 |
Towards automatic induction of abnormal behavioral patterns for recognizing mild cognitive impairment | Janjua Z.H., Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2016 | Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing |
SmartFABER: Recognizing fine-grained abnormal behaviors for early detection of mild cognitive impairment | Riboni D., Bettini C., Civitarese G., Janjua Z., Helaoui R., | 2016 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine |
Context-aware pervasive interfaces | Riboni D., | 2015 | IEEE Internet Computing |
Fine-grained recognition of abnormal behaviors for early detection of mild cognitive impairment | Riboni D., Bettini C., Civitarese G., Janjua Z.H., Helaoui R., | 2015 | 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2015 |
Demo abstract: Demonstration of the FABER system for fine-grained recognition of abnormal behaviors | Civitarese G., Janjua Z., Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2015 | 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2015 |
CoMoRea 2015: 11th International workshop on context and activity modeling and recognition - Welcome and committees | Riboni D., Wieland M., | 2015 | 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2015 |
From lab to life: Fine-grained behavior monitoring in the elderly's home | Riboni D., Bettini C., Civitarese G., Janjua Z., Bulgari V., | 2015 | 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2015 |
Obfuscation of sensitive data for incremental release of network flows | Riboni D., Villani A., Vitali D., Bettini C., Mancini L.V., | 2015 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking |
Privacy protection in pervasive systems: State of the art and technical challenges | Bettini C., Riboni D., | 2015 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Incremental release of differentially-private check-in data | Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2015 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Differentially-private release of check-in data for venue recommendation | Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2014 | 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2014 |
ACOMORE'14: The first symposium on activity and context modeling and recognition, 2014 - Welcome and committees | Lukowicz P., Nicklas D., Riboni D., Wieland M., | 2014 | 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PERCOM WORKSHOPS 2014 |
Preface | Guo B., Riboni D., Hu P., | 2013 | Creating Personal, Social, and Urban Awareness through Pervasive Computing |
Research challenges for personal and collective awareness | Riboni D., Helaoui R., | 2013 | Creating Personal, Social, and Urban Awareness through Pervasive Computing |
Creating personal, social, and urban awareness through pervasive computing | Guo B., Riboni D., Hu P., | 2013 | Creating Personal, Social, and Urban Awareness through Pervasive Computing |
A platform for privacy-preserving geo-social recommendation of points of interest | Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2013 | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management |
Obsidian: A scalable and efficient framework for NetFlow obfuscation | Villani A., Riboni D., Vitali D., Bettini C., Mancini L., | 2013 | Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM |
CoMoRea 2013: 10th IEEE workshop on context modeling and reasoning 2013-committees and welcome : ssage from CoMoRea 2013 co-chairs | Nicklas D., Riboni D., Wieland M., | 2013 | 2013 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2013 |
A probabilistic ontological framework for the recognition of multilevel human activities | Helaoui R., Riboni D., Stuckenschmidt H., | 2013 | UbiComp 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing |
Message from the workshops chairs | Riboni D., Xu J., | 2013 | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management |
Obsidian: A scalable and efficient framework for NetFlow obfuscation | Villani A., Riboni D., Vitali D., Bettini C., Mancini L., | 2013 | 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, INFOCOM WKSHPS 2013 |
Towards activity recognition using probabilistic description logics | Helaoui R., Riboni D., Niepert M., Bettini C., Stuckenschmidt H., | 2012 | AAAI Workshop - Technical Report |
Context provenance to enhance the dependability of ambient intelligence systems | Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2012 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing |
Obfuscation of sensitive data in network flows | Riboni D., Villani A., Vitali D., Bettini C., Mancini L.V., | 2012 | Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM |
Private context-aware recommendation of points of interest: An initial investigation | Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2012 | 2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PERCOM Workshops 2012 |
JS-reduce: Defending your data from sequential background knowledge attacks | Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., | 2012 | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing |
Service discovery and composition in body area networks | Coloberti M., Lombriser C., Roggen D., Tröster G., Guarneri R., Riboni D., | 2011 | BODYNETS 2008 - 3rd International ICST Conference on Body Area Networks |
Integrating identity, location, and absence privacy in context-aware retrieval of points of interest | Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., | 2011 | Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management |
Is ontology-based activity recognition really effective? | Riboni D., Pareschi L., Radaelli L., Bettini C., | 2011 | 2011 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PERCOM Workshops 2011 |
CoMoRea 2011: 8th IEEE workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning - Committees and welcome | Nicklas D., Riboni D., Wieland M., | 2011 | 2011 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PERCOM Workshops 2011 |
COSAR: Hybrid reasoning for context-Aware activity recognition | Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2011 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing |
OWL 2 modeling and reasoning with complex human activities | Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2011 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Towards the adaptive integration of multiple context reasoners in pervasive computing environments | Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., | 2010 | 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PERCOM Workshops 2010 |
MIMOSA: Context-aware adaptation for ubiquitous web access | Malandrino D., Mazzoni F., Riboni D., Bettini C., Colajanni M., Scarano V., | 2010 | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing |
A survey of context modelling and reasoning techniques | Bettini C., Brdiczka O., Henricksen K., Indulska J., Nicklas D., Ranganathan A., Riboni D., | 2010 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
POIsafe: A privacy-conscious system for retrieval of points of interest | Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., | 2009 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Preserving anonymity of recurrent location-based queries | Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., Jajodia S., | 2009 | TIME 2009 - 16th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning |
Context-aware activity recognition through a combination of ontological and statistical reasoning | Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2009 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Towards the combination of statistical and symbolic techniques for activity recognition | Riboni D., | 2009 | 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2009 |
Privacy in georeferenced context-aware services: A survey | Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., | 2009 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Cor-split: Defending privacy in data re-publication from historical correlations and compromised tuples | Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2009 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Hybrid reasoning in the CARE middleware for context awareness | Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., | 2009 | International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology |
Privacy in georeferenced context-aware services: A survey | Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., | 2008 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Composition and generalization of context data for privacy preservation | Pareschi L., Riboni D., Agostini A., Bettini C., | 2008 | 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2008 |
Protecting users' anonymity in pervasive computing environments | Pareschi L., Riboni D., Bettini C., | 2008 | 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2008 |
Shadow attacks on users' anonymity in pervasive computing environments | Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., | 2008 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Efficient profile aggregation and policy evaluation in a middleware for adaptive mobile applications | Bettini C., Pareschi L., Riboni D., | 2008 | Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Towards privacy protection in a middleware for context-awareness | Pareschi L., Riboni D., Mascetti S., Bettini C., | 2007 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Security and privacy in pervasive computing | Patrikakis C., Karamolegkos P., Voulodimos A., Abd Wahab M.H., Mohd Taujuddin N.S.A., Hanif C., Pareschi L., Riboni D., Weber S.G., Heinemann A., Cheung S.c.S., Chaudhari J., Paruchuri J.K., | 2007 | IEEE Pervasive Computing |
Distributed context monitoring for the adaptation of continuous services | Bettini C., Maggiorini D., Riboni D., | 2007 | World Wide Web |
Context-aware Web services for distributed retrieval of points of interest | Bettini C., Riboni D., | 2007 | Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, ICIW'07 |
A performance evaluation of ontology-based context reasoning (experience report) | Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., | 2007 | Proceedings - Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2007 |
Online ontological reasoning for context-aware internet services | Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., | 2006 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Context-aware provision of advanced Internet services | Grieco R., Malandrino D., Mazzoni F., Riboni D., | 2006 | Proceedings - Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2006 |
Experience report: Ontological reasoning for context-aware internet services | Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., | 2006 | Proceedings - Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2006 |
Loosely coupling ontological reasoning with an efficient middleware for context-awareness | Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., | 2005 | MobiQuitous 2005: Second Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems -Networking and Services |
Continuous media adaptation for mobile computing using coarse-grained asynchronous notifications | Maggiorini D., Riboni D., | 2005 | Proceedings - 2005 Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops, SAINT2005 |
Demo: Ontology-based context-aware delivery of extended points of interest | Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., | 2005 | Proceedings - Sixth International Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM'05 |
Towards highly adaptive services for mobile computing | Agostini A., Bettini C., Cesa-Bianchi N., Maggiorini D., Riboni D., Ruberl M., Sala C., Vitali D., | 2005 | IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology |
Distributed context monitoring for continuous mobile services | Bettini C., Maggiorini D., Riboni D., | 2005 | IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology |
A distributed architecture for management and retrieval of extended points of interest | Bettini C., Cesa-Bianchi N., Riboni D., | 2005 | Proceedings - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems |
Profile aggregation and policy evaluation for adaptive internet services | Bettini C., Riboni D., | 2004 | Proceedings of MOBIQUITOUS 2004 - 1st Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services |
Giuliani A., Savona R., Carta S., Addari G., Podda A.S., Corporate risk stratification through an interpretable autoencoder-based model (2025), Computers and Operations Research
Podda A.S., Balia R., Barra S., Carta S., Neri M., Guerriero S., Piano L., Multi-scale deep learning ensemble for segmentation of endometriotic lesions (2024), Neural Computing and Applications
Carta S., Castrillón-Santana M., Marras M., Mohamed S., Podda A.S., Saia R., Sau M., Zimmer W., RoadSense3D: A Framework for Roadside Monocular 3D Object Detection (2024), UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Tiddia S.G., Towards Zero-shot Knowledge Graph building: Automated Schema Inference (2024), UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., Towards Knowledge Graph Refinement: Misdirected Triple Identification (2024), UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Podda A.S., Carta S., Barra S., Artificial Intelligence Methods for Smart Cities (2024), Sensors
Podda A.S., Balia R., Pompianu L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., CARgram: CNN-based accident recognition from road sounds through intensity-projected spectrogram analysis (2024), Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal
Pisu A., Elia N., Pompianu L., Barchi F., Acquaviva A., Carta S., Enhancing workplace safety: A flexible approach for personal protective equipment monitoring (2024), Expert Systems with Applications
Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., A Zero-Shot Strategy for Knowledge Graph Engineering Using GPT-3.5 (2024), Procedia Computer Science
Carta S., Giuliani A., Piano L., Tiddia S.G., An End-to-End OCR-Free Solution For Identity Document Information Extraction (2024), Procedia Computer Science
Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Pisu A., Tiddia S.G., Instruct Large Language Models for Public Administration Document Information Extraction (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., Brain Waves Combined with Evoked Potentials as Biometric Approach for User Identification: A Survey (2024), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., Influencing brain waves by evoked potentials as biometric approach: taking stock of the last six years of research (2023), Neural Computing and Applications
Barra S., Carta S.M., Giuliani A., Pisu A., Podda A.S., Riboni D., FootApp: An AI-powered system for football match annotation (2023), Multimedia Tools and Applications
Carta S., Fariello P., Giuliani A., Piano L., Podda A.S., Tiddia S.G., SailGenie: SAiling expertIse to knowLedge Graph through opEN Information Extraction (2023), Procedia Computer Science
Mura G., Carta S., Ricci P.C., Martines G., Electronic Components Authentication via Physical Analysis (2023), 2023 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Microelectronics, MIEL 2023
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., Leveraging the Training Data Partitioning to Improve Events Characterization in Intrusion Detection Systems (2023), Journal of Advances in Information Technology
Carta S., Fenu G., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Marras M., Piano L., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., Empowering Digital Transformation in Tourism through Intelligent Methods for Representation and Exploitation of Cultural Heritage Knowledge (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Barra S., Carta S., Meloni A., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., A Practical Approach for Vehicle Speed Estimation in Smart Cities (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Carta S., Consoli S., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Stanciu M.M., Statistical arbitrage powered by Explainable Artificial Intelligence (2022), Expert Systems with Applications
Boratto L., Carta S., Iguider W., Mulas F., Pilloni P., Fair performance-based user recommendation in eCoaching systems (2022), User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
Carta S., Consoli S., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Stanciu M.M., An eXplainable Artificial Intelligence tool for statistical arbitrage (2022), Software Impacts
Podda A.S., Balia R., Barra S., Carta S., Fenu G., Piano L., Fully-automated deep learning pipeline for segmentation and classification of breast ultrasound images (2022), Journal of Computational Science
Carta S., Giuliani A., Piano L., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., VSTAR: Visual Semantic Thumbnails and tAgs Revitalization (2022), Expert Systems with Applications
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., A Region-based Training Data Segmentation Strategy to Credit Scoring (2022), Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., Brain Waves and Evoked Potentials as Biometric User Identification Strategy: An Affordable Low-cost Approach (2022), Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Carta S.M., Consoli S., Giuliani A., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., CulturAI: Semantic Enrichment of Cultural Data Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (2022), IEEE Access
Elia N., Barchi F., Parisi E., Pompianu L., Carta S., Bartolini A., Acquaviva A., Smart Contracts for Certified and Sustainable Safety-Critical Continuous Monitoring Applications (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Carta S., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Stanciu M.M., Explainable AI for Financial Forecasting (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Angioni S., Carta S., Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Stanciu M.M., A Big Data framework based on Apache Spark for Industry-specific Lexicon Generation for Stock Market Prediction (2021), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Carta S., Ferreira A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saia R., Credit scoring by leveraging an ensemble stochastic criterion in a transformed feature space (2021), Progress in Artificial Intelligence
Saia R., Carta S., Bergmann O., Wireless internet, multimedia, and artificial intelligence: new applications and infrastructures (2021), Future Internet
Atzori A., Barra S., Carta S., Fenu G., Podda A.S., Heimdall: An AI-based infrastructure for traffic monitoring and anomalies detection (2021), 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2021
Carta S., Corriga A., Ferreira A., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., A multi-layer and multi-ensemble stock trader using deep learning and deep reinforcement learning (2021), Applied Intelligence
Carta S., Ferreira A., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Sanna A., Multi-DQN: An ensemble of Deep Q-learning agents for stock market forecasting (2021), Expert Systems with Applications
Saia R., Giuliani A., Pompianu L., Carta S., From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case Study on an Italian Banking Institution (2021), International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, IC3K - Proceedings
Balia R., Barra S., Carta S., Fenu G., Podda A.S., Sansoni N., A Deep Learning Solution for Integrated Traffic Control Through Automatic License Plate Recognition (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Carta S., Consoli S., Piras L., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Event Detection in Finance Using Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms on News and Tweets (2021), PeerJ Computer Science
Carta S.M., Consoli S., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Stanciu M.M., Ensembling and Dynamic Asset Selection for Risk-Controlled Statistical Arbitrage (2021), IEEE Access
Carta S.M., Consoli S., Piras L., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Explainable Machine Learning Exploiting News and Domain-Specific Lexicon for Stock Market Forecasting (2021), IEEE Access
Carta S., Consoli S., Corriga A., Dapiaggi R., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., HawkEye: A visual framework for agile cross-validation of deep learning approaches in financial forecasting (2020), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Carta S., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Saia R., A local feature engineering strategy to improve network anomaly detection (2020), Future Internet
Barra S., Carcangiu A., Carta S., Podda A.S., Riboni D., A Voice User Interface for football event tagging applications (2020), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Carta S., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Saia R., Usai G., Popularity prediction of instagram posts (2020), Information (Switzerland)
Boratto L., Carta S., Ibba F., Mulas F., Pilloni P., Modeling real-time data and contextual information from workouts in eCoaching platforms to predict users’ sharing behavior on Facebook (2020), User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
Barra S., Carta S.M., Corriga A., Podda A.S., Recupero D.R., Deep learning and time series-To-image encoding for financial forecasting (2020), IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
Arca A., Carta S., Giuliani A., Stanciu M.M., Recupero D.R., Automated tag enrichment by semantically related trends (2020), WEBIST 2020 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Carta S., Gaeta E., Giuliani A., Piano L., Recupero D.R., Efficient thumbnail identification through object recognition (2020), WEBIST 2020 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., A feature space transformation to intrusion detection systems (2020), IC3K 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Carta S., Fenu G., Ferreira A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saia R., A Two-Step Feature Space Transforming Method to Improve Credit Scoring Performance (2020), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Carta S., Consoli S., Piras L., Podda A.S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Dynamic Industry-Specific Lexicon Generation for Stock Market Forecast (2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Carta S., Recupero D.R., Saia R., Stanciu M.M., A General Approach for Risk Controlled Trading Based on Machine Learning and Statistical Arbitrage (2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Carta S., Ferreira A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saia M., Saia R., A combined entropy-based approach for a proactive credit scoring (2020), Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Bartoletti M., Carta S., Cimoli T., Saia R., Dissecting Ponzi schemes on Ethereum: Identification, analysis, and impact (2020), Future Generation Computer Systems
Carta S., Fenu G., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saia R., Fraud detection for E-commerce transactions by employing a prudential Multiple Consensus model (2019), Journal of Information Security and Applications
Saia R., Carta S., Evaluating the benefits of using proactive transformed-domain-based techniques in fraud detection tasks (2019), Future Generation Computer Systems
Carta S., Corriga A., Ferreira A., Recupero D.R., Saia R., A holistic auto-configurable ensemble machine learning strategy for financial trading (2019), Computation
Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., Saia M., A discretized enriched technique to enhance machine learning performance in credit scoring (2019), IC3K 2019 - Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., Stanciu M.M., A discretized extended feature space (DEFS) model to improve the anomaly detection performance in network intrusion detection systems (2019), IC3K 2019 - Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Carta S., Corriga A., Mulas R., Recupero D.R., Saia R., A supervised multi-class multi-label word embeddings approach for toxic comment classification (2019), IC3K 2019 - Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., Internet of entities (IoE): A blockchain-based distributed paradigm for data exchange between wireless-based devices (2019), SENSORNETS 2019 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Saia R., Carta S., Introducing a vector space model to perform a proactive credit scoring (2019), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Carta S., Medda A., Pili A., Recupero D.R., Saia R., Forecasting E-commerce products prices by combining an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and Google Trends data (2018), Future Internet
Boratto L., Carta S., Kaltenbrunner A., Manca M., Guest Editorial: Behavioral-Data Mining in Information Systems and the Big Data Era (2018), Information Systems Frontiers
Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., Behavioral data mining to produce novel and serendipitous friend recommendations in a social bookmarking system (2018), Information Systems Frontiers
Pilloni P., Piras L., Carta S., Fenu G., Mulas F., Boratto L., Recommender System Lets Coaches Identify and Help Athletes Who Begin Losing Motivation (2018), Computer
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., A wavelet-based data analysis to credit scoring (2018), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Saia R., Carta S., Recupero D.R., A probabilistic-driven ensemble approach to perform event classification in intrusion detection system (2018), IC3K 2018 - Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Boratto L., Carta S., Iguider W., Mulas F., Pilloni P., Predicting workout quality to help coaches support sportspeople (2018), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Armano G., Battiato S., Bennato D., Boratto L., Carta S.M., Noia T.D., Sciascio E.D., Ortis A., Recupero D.R., NewsVallum: Semantics-Aware Text and Image Processing for Fake News Detection system (2018), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Piras L., Employing document embeddings to solve the “new catalog” problem in user targeting, and provide explanations to the users (2018), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Saia R., Carta S., A fourier spectral pattern analysis to design credit scoring models (2017), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., Semantics-aware content-based recommender systems: Design and architecture guidelines (2017), Neurocomputing
Boratto L., Carta S., Mulas F., Pilloni P., An e-coaching ecosystem: design and effectiveness analysis of the engagement of remote coaching on athletes (2017), Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., Exploiting the evaluation frequency of the items to enhance the recommendation accuracy (2017), Proceedings - 2016 Global Summit on Computer and Information Technology, GSCIT 2016
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Analysis of the properties that affect the accuracy of a group recommender system (2017), Proceedings - 2016 Global Summit on Computer and Information Technology, GSCIT 2016
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Second workshop on engineering computer-human interaction in recommender systems (EnCHIReS) (2017), Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, EICS 2017
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Manca M., Mulas F., Pilloni P., The role of social interaction on users motivation to exercise: A persuasive web framework to enhance the self-management of a healthy lifestyle (2017), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Investigating the role of the rating prediction task in granularity-based group recommender systems and big data scenarios (2017), Information Sciences
Pilloni P., Piras L., Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Mulas F., Recommendation in persuasive eHealth systems: An effective strategy to spot users' losing motivation to exercise (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Preface on the second workshop on engineering computer-human interaction in recommender systems ((EnCHIReS 2017) (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Saia R., Carta S., Evaluating credit card transactions in the frequency domain for a proactive fraud detection approach (2017), ICETE 2017 - Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications
Saia R., Carta S., A frequency-domain-based pattern mining for credit card fraud detection (2017), IoTBDS 2017 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Mulas F., Pilloni P., Influence of Rating Prediction on Group Recommendation’s Accuracy (2016), IEEE Intelligent Systems
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Mulas F., Pilloni P., Influence of rating prediction on group recommendation's accuracy (2016), IEEE Intelligent Systems
Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Binary sieves: Toward a semantic approach to user segmentation for behavioral targeting (2016), Future Generation Computer Systems
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Discovery and representation of the preferences of automatically detected groups: Exploiting the link between group modeling and clustering (2016), Future Generation Computer Systems
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., Using neural word embeddings to model user behavior and detect user segments (2016), Knowledge-Based Systems
Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., A semantic approach to remove incoherent items from a user profile and improve the accuracy of a recommender system (2016), Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., Exploiting a Determinant-Based Metric to Evaluate a Word-Embeddings Matrix of Items (2016), IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW
Boratto L., Spano L., Carta S., Fenu G., Workshop on engineering human-computer interaction in recommender systems (2016), EICS 2016 - 8th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
Boratto L., Cadeddu M., Carta S., Deplano G., Mereu F., A tool to analyze the reading behavior of the users in a mobile digital publishing platform (2016), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Carta S., Boratto L., Introduction to the special issue on human-computer interaction and the social web (2016), Future Internet
Saia R., Carta S., A linear-dependence-based approach to design proactive credit scoring models (2016), IC3K 2016 - Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Saia R., Carta S., An entropy based algorithm for credit scoring (2016), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Spano L., Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Preface (2016), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Boratto L., Carta S., Saia R., Improving the accuracy of latent-space-based recommender systems by introducing a cut-off criterion (2016), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., A class-based strategy to user behavior modeling in recommender systems (2016), Studies in Computational Intelligence
Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., Representing items as word-embedding vectors and generating recommendations by measuring their linear independence (2016), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Balvis L., Boratto L., Mulas F., Spano L., Carta S., Fenu G., Keep the beat: Audio guidance for runner training (2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Boratto L., Carta S., ART: group recommendation approaches for automatically detected groups (2015), International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
Boratto L., Carta S., The rating prediction task in a group recommender system that automatically detects groups: architectures, algorithms, and performance evaluation (2015), Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
Garau P., Boratto L., Carta S., Fenu G., UP SCHOOL: Introduction of pervasive learning technologies to enhance classic educational models (2015), Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology
Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., A new perspective on recommender systems: A class path information model (2015), Proceedings of the 2015 Science and Information Conference, SAI 2015
Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., A Latent Semantic Pattern Recognition Strategy for an Untrivial Targeted Advertising (2015), Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, BigData Congress 2015
Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., Using behavioral data mining to produce friend recommendations in a social bookmarking system (2015), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., Multiple behavioral models: A divide and conquer strategy to fraud detection in financial data streams (2015), IC3K 2015 - Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., Friend recommendation in a social bookmarking system: Design and architecture guidelines (2015), Studies in Computational Intelligence
Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., Design and architecture of a friend recommender system in the social bookmarking domain (2014), Proceedings of 2014 Science and Information Conference, SAI 2014
Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., Mining user behavior in a social bookmarking system: A delicious friend recommender system (2014), DATA 2014 - Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications
Saia R., Boratto L., Carta S., Semantic coherence-based user profile modeling in the recommender systems context (2014), KDIR 2014 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Boratto L., Carta S., Impact of content novelty on the accuracy of a group recommender system (2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Boratto L., Carta S., Modeling the preferences of a group of users detected by clustering: A group recommendation case-study (2014), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Pilloni P., Spano L., Mulas F., Fenu G., Carta S., Experiences from a long run with a virtual personal trainer (2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Boratto L., Carta S., Using collaborative filtering to overcome the curse of dimensionality when clustering users in a group recommender system (2014), ICEIS 2014 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Pilloni P., Mulas F., Piredda L., Carta S., Assessing the user experience design as a persuasive methodology in a real world sport application (2013), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Mulas F., Pilloni P., Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., Using new communication technologies and social media interaction to improve the motivation of users to exercise (2013), 2nd International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies, FGCT 2013
Mulas F., Pilloni P., Manca M., Boratto L., Carta S., Linking Human-Computer Interaction with the Social Web: A web application to improve motivation in the exercising activity of users (2013), 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, CogInfoCom 2013 - Proceedings
Mulas F., Carta S., Acquaviva A., Queue-based scheduling for soft real time applications (2011), MMEDIA - International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia
Mulas F., Carta S., Pilloni P., Manca M., Everywhere Run: A virtual personal trainer for supporting people in their running activity (2011), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Boratto L., Carta S., Satta M., Groups identification and individual recommendations in group recommendation algorithms (2010), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Boratto L., Carta S., State-of-the-art in group recommendation and new approaches for automatic identification of groups (2010), Studies in Computational Intelligence
Mulas F., Acquaviva A., Carta S., Fenu G., Quaglia D., Fummi F., Network-adaptive management of computation energy in wireless sensor networks (2010), Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Boratto L., Carta S., Chessa A., Agelli M., Clemente M., Group recommendation with automatic identification of users communities (2009), Proceedings - 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology - Workshops, WI-IAT Workshops 2009
Mulas F., Atienza D., Acquaviva A., Carta S., Benini L., De Micheli G., Thermal balancing policy for multiprocessor stream computing platforms (2009), IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
Alimonda A., Carta S., Acquaviva A., Pisano A., Benini L., A feedback-based approach to DVFS in data-flow applications (2009), IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
Boratto L., Carta S., Vargiu E., RATC: A robust automated tag clustering technique (2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Alimonda A., Acquaviva A., Carta S., Temperature and leakage aware power control for embedded streaming applications (2008), Proceedings - 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2008
Mulas F., Pittau M., Buttu M., Carta S., Benini L., Acquaviva A., Atienza D., De Micheli G., Thermal balancing policy for streaming computing on multiprocessor architectures (2008), Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE
Acquaviva A., Alimonda A., Carta S., Pittau M., Assessing task migration impact on embedded soft real-time streaming multimedia applications (2008), Eurasip Journal on Embedded Systems
Murali S., Meloni P., Angiolini F., Atienza D., Carta S., Benini L., De Micheli G., Raffo L., Designing routing and message-dependent deadlock free networks on chips (2008), IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
Carta S., Mereu F., Acquaviva A., De Micheli G., MiGra: A task migration algorithm for reducing temperature gradient in multiprocessor systems on chip (2007), 2007 International Symposium on System-on-Chip Proceedings, SOC
Pittau M., Alimonda A., Carta S., Acquaviva A., Impact of task migration on streaming multimedia for embedded multiprocessors: A quantitative evaluation (2007), Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/ACM/IFIP Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia, ESTIMedia 2007
Meloni P., Busonera G., Carta S., Raffo L., On the impact of serialization on the cache performances in Network-on-Chip based MPSoCs (2007), Proceedings - 10th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2007
Busonera G., Meloni P., Carta S., Raffo L., Optimizing the serialization factor in Networks-on-Chip: A case of study (2007), Proceedings of the 2007 Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and Electronics conference, PRIME 2007
Carta S., Pittau M., Acquaviva A., Del Valle P.G., Atienza D., De Micheli G., Rincon F., Benini L., Mendias J.M., Multi-processor operating system emulation framework with thermal feedback for systems-on-chip (2007), Proceedings of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI
Carta S., Alimonda A., Pisano A., Acquaviva A., Benini L., A control theoretic approach to energy-efficient pipelined computation in MPSoCs (2007), Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
Murali S., Atienza D., Meloni P., Carta S., Benini L., De Micheli G., Raffo L., Synthesis of predictable networks-on-chip-based interconnect architectures for chip multiprocessors (2007), IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems
Meloni P., Loi I., Angiolini F., Carta S., Barbaro M., Raffo L., Benini L., Area and power modeling for networks-on-chip with layout awareness (2007), VLSI Design
Angiolini F., Meloni P., Carta S.M., Raffo L., Benini L., A layout-aware analysis of networks-on-chip and traditional interconnects for MPSoCs (2007), IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
Meloni P., Carta S., Argiolas R., Raffo L., Angiolini F., Area and power modeling methodologies for networks-on-chip (2006), 2006 1st International Conference on Nano-Networks and Workshops, Nano-Net
Spiga M., Spiga M., Alimonda A., Carta S., Aymerich F., Acquaviva A., Exploiting memory-boundedness in energy-efficient hard real-time scheduling (2006), Industrial Embedded Systems - IES'2006
Murali S., Meloni P., Angiolini F., Atienza D., Carta S., Benini L., De Micheli G., Raffo L., Designing application-specific networks on chips with floorplan information (2006), IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Digest of Technical Papers, ICCAD
Alimonda A., Carta S., Acquaviva A., Pisano A., Non-linear feedback control for energy efficient on-chip streaming computation (2006), Industrial Embedded Systems - IES'2006
Busonera G., Marongiu A., Carta S., Raffo L., Automatic application partitioning on FPGA/CPU systems based on detailed low-level information (2006), Proceedings of the 9th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2006
Carta S., Pani D., Raffo L., Reconfigurable coprocessor for multimedia application domain (2006), Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology
Meloni P., Murali S., Carta S., Camplani M., Raffo L., De Micheli G., Routing aware switch hardware customization for networks on chips (2006), 2006 1st International Conference on Nano-Networks and Workshops, Nano-Net
Murali S., Meloni P., Angiolini F., Atienza D., Carta S., Benini L., De Michela G., Raffo L., Designing message-dependent deadlock free networks on chips for application-specific systems on chips (2006), IFIP VLSI-SoIC 2006 - IFIP WG 10.5 International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration and System-on-Chip
Angiolini F., Meloni P., Carta S., Benini L., Raffo L., Contrasting a NoC and a traditional interconnect fabric with layout awareness (2006), Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE
Alimonda A., Acquaviva A., Carta S., Pisano A., A control theoretic approach to run-time energy optimization of pipelined processing in MPSoCs (2006), Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE
Stergiou S., Angiolini F., Carta S., Raffo L., Bertozzi D., De Micheli G., xpipes lite: A synthesis oriented design library for networks on chips (2005), Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE '05
Carta S.M., Raffo L., Remarkable cycles reduction in GSM voice coding by reconfigurable coprocessor with standard interface (2003), IEICE Transactions on Electronics
Carta S.M., Raffo L., Processing time saving in low power voice coding applications using synchronous reconfigurable co-processing architecture (2002), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems
Atzori E., Carta S., Raffo L., 44.6% processing cycles reduction in GSM voice coding by low-power reconfigurable co-processor architecture (2002), Electronics Letters
Alimonda A., Carta S., Raffo L., Modular digital VLSI architecture for stereo depth estimation in industrial applications (1999), Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
Lilliu F., Pietrobon M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Business and pricing models for smart energy at building level: A Review (2025), Electric Power Systems Research
Cauli N., Murgia M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Scarpi G., Leveraging transformers architectures and augmentation for efficient classification of fasteners and natural language searches (2024), Discover Computing
Alam M., Buscaldi D., Reforgiato Recupero D., Cochez M., Gesese G.A., Osborne F., Workshop on Deep Learning and Large Language Models for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG) (2024), Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Cadeddu A., Chessa A., De Leo V., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Salatino A., Secchi L., Optimizing Tourism Accommodation Offers by Integrating Language Models and Knowledge Graph Technologies (2024), Information (Switzerland)
Cadeddu A., Chessa A., De Leo V., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Salatino A., Secchi L., A comparative analysis of knowledge injection strategies for large language models in the scholarly domain (2024), Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Zavarella V., Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fenu G., Angioni S., Buscaldi D., Dessí D., Osborne F., Triplétoile: Extraction of knowledge from microblogging text (2024), Heliyon
Zavarella V., Reforgiato D., Consoli S., Fenu G., Charting the Landscape of Digital Health: Towards A Knowledge Graph Approach to News Media Analysis (2024), UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Fenu G., Galici R., Marras M., Reforgiato D., Exploring Student Interactions with AI in Programming Training (2024), UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Busia P., Marche C., Meloni P., Reforgiato Recupero D., Design of an AI-driven Architecture with Cobots for Digital Transformation to Enhance Quality Control in the Food Industry (2024), UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Alonso R., Noce G., Cutrona V., Recupero D.R., Extending Asset Lifespan Through Data Augmentation-Assisted Quality Control (2024), IFAC-PapersOnLine
Ramzan F., Sartori C., Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Generative Adversarial Networks for Synthetic Data Generation in Finance: Evaluating Statistical Similarities and Quality Assessment (2024), AI (Switzerland)
Lilliu F., Reforgiato Recupero D., A cooperative game-theory approach for incentive systems in local energy communities (2024), Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Alonso R., Haber R.E., Castaño F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Interoperable software platforms for introducing artificial intelligence components in manufacturing: A meta-framework for security and privacy (2024), Heliyon
Alonso R., Dessí D., Meloni A., Murgia M., Diego R.R., Integrating knowledge into conversational agents for worker upskilling (2024), Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: Enabling Intelligent, Flexible and Cost-Effective Production Through AI
Alonso R., Locci R., Reforgiato Recupero D., Improving digital twin experience through big data, IoT and social analysis: An architecture and a case study (2024), Heliyon
Lombardo G., Theusch F., Picone M., Recupero D.R., Vizzari G., Overview of AI4DT&CP@IJCAI 2024: The Second Workshop on AI for Digital Twins and Cyber-Physical Applications (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Lombardo G., Bertogalli A., Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning for Bankruptcy Prediction: An End-to-End Architecture (2024), IEEE Access
Cauli N., Recupero D.R., Synthetic Data Augmentation for Video Action Classification Using Unity (2024), IEEE Access
Alonso R., DESSí D., Meloni A., Murgia M., Recupero D.R., Scarpi G., A Seamless ChatGPT Knowledge Plug-in for the Labour Market (2024), IEEE Access
Lilliu F., Recupero D.R., A Peak-Shaving-Oriented Incentive Mechanism for Smart Grids (2024), Proceedings of the World Congress on New Technologies
Pisu A., Pompianu L., Salatino A., Osborne F., Riboni D., Motta E., Recupero D.R., Classifying Scientific Topic Relationships with SciBERT (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Recupero D.R., Boi L., Towards Seamless Human-Robot Dialogue through a Robot Action Ontology (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Ibba A., Hwang S.A., Alonso R., Olivadese R., Recupero D.R., DEFINING VALUABLE DATA AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT IN DIGITAL BUILDING LOGBOOKS: A FRAMEWORK FOR EFFECTIVE DATA STORAGE (2024), Proceedings of the European Conference on Computing in Construction
Pisu A., Pompianu L., Salatino A., Osborne F., Riboni D., Motta E., Recupero D.R., Leveraging Language Models for Generating Ontologies of Research Topics (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Zavarella V., Recupero D.R., Consoli S., Fenu G., Angioni S., Buscaldi D., Dessí D., Osborne F., Knowledge Graphs for Digital Transformation Monitoring in Social Media (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Alonso R., Dessi D., Meloni A., Reforgiato Recupero D., A Novel Knowledge Plug-In for Incorporating Information About Employability From the O*NET Database Into Conversational Agents (2024), IEEE Access
Buscaldi D., Dessí D., Motta E., Murgia M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Automating Citation Placement with Natural Language Processing and Transformers (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Angioni S., Consoli S., Dessí D., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A., Investigating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Discussions in News: A Knowledge Graph Analysis Empowered by AI (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Angioni S., Consoli S., Dessi D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Salatino A., Exploring Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Discourse in News: An AI-Powered Investigation Through Knowledge Graph Analysis (2024), IEEE Access
Lehmann J., Meloni A., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A.A., Vahdati S., Large Language Models for Scientific Question Answering: An Extensive Analysis of the SciQA Benchmark (2024), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Buscaldi D., Dessí D., Motta E., Murgia M., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Citation prediction by leveraging transformers and natural language processing heuristics (2024), Information Processing and Management
Lilliu F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Vinyals M., Denysiuk R., Incentive mechanisms for the secure integration of renewable energy in local communities: A game-theoretic approach (2023), Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Ranjbaran G., Reforgiato Recupero D., Lombardo G., Consoli S., Leveraging augmentation techniques for tasks with unbalancedness within the financial domain: a two-level ensemble approach (2023), EPJ Data Science
Wu Z., Helaoui R., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., Towards Effective Automatic Evaluation of Generated Reflections for Motivational Interviewing (2023), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Alonso R., Olivadese R., Ibba A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Towards the definition of a European Digital Building Logbook: A survey (2023), Heliyon
Kourid A., Chikhi S., Recupero D.R., Fuzzy optimized V-detector algorithm on Apache Spark for class imbalance issue of intrusion detection in big data (2023), Neural Computing and Applications
Bagheri F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Sirnes E., Leveraging Return Prediction Approaches for Improved Value-at-Risk Estimation (2023), Data
Alonso R., Dessì D., Meloni A., Reforgiato Recupero D., A General and NLP-based Architecture to perform Recommendation: A Use Case for Online Job Search and Skills Acquisition (2023), Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Wu Z., Balloccu S., Kumar V., Helaoui R., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., Creation, Analysis and Evaluation of AnnoMI, a Dataset of Expert-Annotated Counselling Dialogues † (2023), Future Internet
Cauli N., Massa S.M., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., Sensor Datasets for Human Daily Safety and Well-Being (2023), Studies in Computational Intelligence
De Leo V., Fenu G., Greco D., Bidotti N., Platter P., Motta E., Nuzzolese A.G., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Ontology-Based Generation of Data Platform Assets (2023), Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, BigData 2023
Gangemi A., Graciotti A., Meloni A., Nuzzolese A., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Russo A., Tripodi R., Text2AMR2FRED, a Tool for Transforming Text into RDF/OWL Knowledge Graphs via Abstract Meaning Representation (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Preface (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Cadeddu A., Chessa A., De Leo V., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A., Secchi L., Enhancing Scholarly Understanding: A Comparison of Knowledge Injection Strategies in Large Language Models (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Cadeddu A., Chessa A., De Leo V., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A., Secchi L., Leveraging Knowledge Graphs with Large Language Models for Classification Tasks in the Tourism Domain (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Meloni A., Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Birukou A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Motta E., AIDA-Bot 2.0: Enhancing Conversational Agents with Knowledge Graphs for Analysing the Research Landscape (2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Wu Z., Balloccu S., Reiter E., Helaoui R., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., Are Experts Needed? On Human Evaluation of Counselling Reflection Generation (2023), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Kumar V., Medda G., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., Helaoui R., Fenu G., How Do You Feel? Information Retrieval in Psychotherapy and Fair Ranking Assessment (2023), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Angioni S., Lincoln-DeCusatis N., Ibba A., Recupero D.R., A transformers-based approach for fine and coarse-grained classification and generation of MIDI songs and soundtracks (2023), PeerJ Computer Science
Chessa A., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Salatino A., Secchi L., Data-Driven Methodology for Knowledge Graph Generation Within the Tourism Domain (2023), IEEE Access
Meloni A., Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Motta E., Integrating Conversational Agents and Knowledge Graphs Within the Scholarly Domain (2023), IEEE Access
Rožanec J.M., Novalija I., Zajec P., Kenda K., Tavakoli Ghinani H., Suh S., Veliou E., Papamartzivanos D., Giannetsos T., Menesidou S.A., Alonso R., Cauli N., Meloni A., Recupero D.R., Kyriazis D., Sofianidis G., Theodoropoulos S., Fortuna B., Mladenić D., Soldatos J., Human-centric artificial intelligence architecture for industry 5.0 applications (2023), International Journal of Production Research
Dessí D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., SCICERO: A deep learning and NLP approach for generating scientific knowledge graphs in the computer science domain (2022), Knowledge-Based Systems
Arena S., Manca G., Murru S., Orrù P.F., Perna R., Reforgiato Recupero D., Data Science Application for Failure Data Management and Failure Prediction in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Case Study (2022), Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Saeed R.A., Recupero D.R., Remagnino P., Modelling group dynamics for crowd simulations (2022), Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Dessì D., Diego R.R., LexTex: a framework to generate lexicons using WordNet word senses in domain specific categories (2022), Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
Alonso R., Bonini A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Spano L.D., Exploiting virtual reality and the robot operating system to remote-control a humanoid robot (2022), Multimedia Tools and Applications
Buscaldi D., Dragoni M., Frasincar F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Special issue on senti-mental health: Future generation sentiment analysis systems (2022), Future Generation Computer Systems
Alam M., Fensel A., Martinez-Gil J., Moser B., Recupero D.R., Sack H., Special Issue on Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs (2022), Future Generation Computer Systems
Cauli N., Reforgiato Recupero D., Survey on Videos Data Augmentation for Deep Learning Models (2022), Future Internet
Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., AIDA: A knowledge graph about research dynamics in academia and industry (2022), Quantitative Science Studies
Wu Z., Balloccu S., Helaoui R., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., Towards In-Context Non-Expert Evaluation of Reflection Generation for Counselling Conversations (2022), GEM 2022 - 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics, Proceedings of the Workshop
Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Preface (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Birukou A., Recupero D.R., Motta E., Leveraging Knowledge Graph Technologies to Assess Journals and Conferences at Springer Nature (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Dessí D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., CS-KG: A Large-Scale Knowledge Graph of Research Entities and Claims in Computer Science (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Borrego A., Dessi D., Hernandez I., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Ruiz D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., Completing Scientific Facts in Knowledge Graphs of Research Concepts (2022), IEEE Access
Wu Z., Helaoui R., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., Towards Automated Counselling Decision-Making: Remarks on Therapist Action Forecasting on the AnnoMI Dataset (2022), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH
Kumar V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Helaoui R., Riboni D., K-LM: Knowledge Augmenting in Language Models Within the Scholarly Domain (2022), IEEE Access
Chessa A., Fenu G., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Salatino A., Secchi L., Enriching Data Lakes with Knowledge Graphs (2022), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Wu Z., Balloccu S., Kumar V., Helaoui R., Reiter E., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., ANNO-MI: A DATASET OF EXPERT-ANNOTATED COUNSELLING DIALOGUES (2022), ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings
Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Sack H., Editorial of the Special Issue on Deep Learning and Knowledge Graphs (2022), Semantic Web
Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., The AIDA Dashboard: A Web Application for Assessing and Comparing Scientific Conferences (2022), IEEE Access
Saeed R.A., Recupero D.R., Remagnino P., Simulating crowd behaviour combining both microscopic and macroscopic rules (2022), Information Sciences
Nayyeri M., Cil G.M., Vahdati S., Osborne F., Rahman M., Angioni S., Salatino A., Recupero D.R., Vassilyeva N., Motta E., Lehmann J., Trans4E: Link prediction on scholarly knowledge graphs (2021), Neurocomputing
Saia R., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fenu G., A blockchain-based distributed paradigm to secure localization services (2021), Sensors
Alonso R., Concas E., Recupero D.R., An abstraction layer exploiting voice assistant technologies for effective human—robot interaction (2021), Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Alonso R., Cauli N., Recupero D.R., Multimodal human machine interactions in industrial environments (2021), Trusted Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Review of the Emerging Wave of Ethical and Human Centric AI Technologies for Smart Production
Saeed R.A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Remagnino P., The boundary node method for multi-robot multi-goal path planning problems (2021), Expert Systems
Alam M., Gangemi A., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Semantic role labeling for knowledge graph extraction from text (2021), Progress in Artificial Intelligence
Barbaglia L., Consoli S., Manzan S., Recupero D.R., Saisana M., Pezzoli L.T., Data science technologies in economics and finance: A gentle walk-in (2021), Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications
Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Saisana M., Preface (2021), Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications
Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Saisana M., Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications (2021), Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications
Saeed R.A., Recupero D.R., Remagnino P., Simulating People Dynamics (2021), 2021 17th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2021 - Proceedings
Dessì D., Recupero D.R., Sack H., An assessment of deep learning models and word embeddings for toxicity detection within online textual comments (2021), Electronics (Switzerland)
Dessì D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., Generating knowledge graphs by employing Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques within the scholarly domain (2021), Future Generation Computer Systems
Recupero D.R., Technology enhanced learning using humanoid robots (2021), Future Internet
Consoli S., Reforgiato Recupero D., Saisana M., Preface (2021), Data Science for Economics and Finance: Methodologies and Applications
Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Sack H., Preface (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Wu Z., Helaoui R., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., Towards Low-Resource Real-Time Assessment of Empathy in Counselling (2021), Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: Improving Access, CLPsych 2021 - Proceedings of the 7th Workshop, in conjunction with NAACL 2021
Meloni A., Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., AIDA-bot: A conversational agent to explore scholarly knowledge graphs (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Birukou A., Recupero D.R., Motta E., Assessing Scientific Conferences through Knowledge Graphs (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Alonso R., Bortoluzzi D., Costa A., Messervey T., Raciti M., Recupero D.R., A flexible and extensible project planning and management tool tailored for European projects (2021), International Journal of Services, Technology and Management
Rožanec J.M., Zajec P., Kenda K., Novalija I., Fortuna B., Mladenić D., Veliou E., Papamartzivanos D., Giannetsos T., Menesidou S.A., Alonso R., Cauli N., Recupero D.R., Kyriazis D., Sofianidis G., Theodoropoulos S., Soldatos J., STARdom: An Architecture for Trusted and Secure Human-Centered Manufacturing Systems (2021), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Nayyeri M., Cil G.M., Vahdati S., Osborne F., Kravchenko A., Angioni S., Salatino A., Recupero D.R., Motta E., Lehmann J., Link prediction of weighted triples for knowledge graph completion within the scholarly domain (2021), IEEE Access
Buscaldi D., Dessì D., Dragoni M., Recupero D.R., Sack H., Preface (2021), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Lilliu F., Denysiuk R., Reforgiato Recupero D., Vinyals M., A Game-Theoretical Incentive Mechanism for Local Energy Communities (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Denysiuk R., Lilliu F., Vinyals M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Intelligent Local Energy Communities: A Multiagent System Approach (2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Kumar V., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., Helaoui R., Ensembling Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Morbidity Identification from Clinical Notes (2021), IEEE Access
Gerina F., Massa S.M., Moi F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., Recognition of cooking activities through air quality sensor data for supporting food journaling (2020), Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences
Reforgiato Recupero D., Spiga F., Knowledge acquisition from parsing natural language expressions for humanoid robot action commands (2020), Information Processing and Management
Wu Z., Helaoui R., Kumar V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., Towards detecting need for empathetic response in motivational interviewing (2020), ICMI 2020 Companion - Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
Atzeni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Multi-domain sentiment analysis with mimicked and polarized word embeddings for human–robot interaction (2020), Future Generation Computer Systems
Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., SmartPHIL: 1st workshop on smart personal health interfaces (2020), International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Proceedings IUI
Dessì D., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Buscaldi D., Motta E., Sack H., AI-KG: An Automatically Generated Knowledge Graph of Artificial Intelligence (2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Angioni S., Salatino A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., The AIDA dashboard: Analysing conferences with semantic technologies (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Alonso R., Concas E., Recupero D.R., A flexible and scalable social robot architecture employing voice assistant technologies (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Alam M., Buscaldi D., Cochez M., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Sack H., Preface (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Angioni S., Salatino A.A., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Motta E., Integrating Knowledge Graphs for Analysing Academia and Industry Dynamics (2020), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Cauli N., Recupero D.R., Video action recognition and prediction architecture for a robotic coach (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Dessì D., Helaoui R., Kumar V., Recupero D.R., Riboni D., TF-IDF vs word embeddings for morbidity identification in clinical notes: An initial study (2020), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Denysiuk R., Lilliu F., Recupero D.R., Vinyals M., Peer-to-peer energy trading for smart energy communities (2020), ICAART 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Denysiuk R., Lilliu F., Vinyals M., Recupero D.R., Multiagent system for community energy management (2020), ICAART 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Saeed R., Recupero D., Remagnino P., A Boundary Node Method for path planning of mobile robots (2020), Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Lilliu F., Loi A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Sisinni M., Vinyals M., An uncertainty-aware optimization approach for flexible loads of smart grid prosumers: A use case on the Cardiff energy grid (2019), Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks
Reforgiato Recupero D., Alam M., Buscaldi D., Grezka A., Tavazoee F., Frame-Based Detection of Figurative Language in Tweets [Application Notes] (2019), IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
Dridi A., Atzeni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., FineNews: fine-grained semantic sentiment analysis on financial microblogs and news (2019), International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
Dridi A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Leveraging semantics for sentiment polarity detection in social media (2019), International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
Lilliu F., Vinyals M., Denysiuk R., Recupero D.R., A novel payment scheme for trading renewable energy in smart grid (2019), e-Energy 2019 - Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems
Dessì D., Fenu G., Marras M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Bridging learning analytics and Cognitive Computing for Big Data classification in micro-learning video collections (2019), Computers in Human Behavior
Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Petković M., Preface (2019), Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications
Reforgiato Recupero D., Dessì D., Concas E., A flexible and scalable architecture for human-robot interaction (2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Gerina F., Pes B., Reforgiato Recupero D., Riboni D., Toward supporting food journaling using air quality data mining and a social robot (2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Buscaldi D., Dessì D., Motta E., Osborne F., Reforgiato Recupero D., Mining Scholarly Publications for Scientific Knowledge Graph Construction (2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Angioni S., Osborne F., Salatino A., Recupero D., Motta E., Integrating knowledge graphs for comparing the scientific output of academia and industry (2019), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Bardaro G., Dessí D., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Parsing natural language sentences into robot actions (2019), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Saeed R.A., Recupero D.R., Path planning of a mobile robot in grid space using boundary node method (2019), ICINCO 2019 - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Buscaldi D., Dessì D., Motta E., Osborne F., Recupero D.R., Mining scholarly data for fine-grained knowledge graph construction (2019), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Dessì D., Dragoni M., Fenu G., Marras M., Recupero D.R., Evaluating neural word embeddings created from online course reviews for sentiment analysis (2019), Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Abedjan Z., Boujemaa N., Campbell S., Casla P., Chatterjea S., Consoli S., Costa-Soria C., Czech P., Despenic M., Garattini C., Hamelinck D., Heinrich A., Kraaij W., Kustra J., Lojo A., Sanchez M.M., Mayer M.A., Melideo M., Menasalvas E., Aarestrup F.M., Artigot E.N., Petković M., Recupero D.R., Gonzalez A.R., Kerremans G.R., Roller R., Romao M., Ruping S., Sasaki F., Spek W., Stojanovic N., Thoms J., Vasiljevs A., Verachtert W., Wuyts R., Data science in healthcare: Benefits, challenges and opportunities (2019), Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications
Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Petković M., Data science for healthcare: Methodologies and applications (2019), Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications
Asprino L., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Russo A., Ontology-based knowledge management for comprehensive geriatric assessment and reminiscence therapy on social robots (2019), Data Science for Healthcare: Methodologies and Applications
Chaoua I., Consoli S., Härmä A., Helaoui R., Reforgiato Recupero D., Analysis of topic propagation in therapy sessions using partially labeled latent dirichlet allocation (2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
D’Onofrio G., Sancarlo D., Raciti M., Reforgiato D., Mangiacotti A., Russo A., Ricciardi F., Vitanza A., Cantucci F., Presutti V., Messervey T., Nolfi S., Cavallo F., Barret E., Whelan S., Casey D., Giuliani F., Greco A., MARIO Project: Experimentation in the Hospital Setting (2019), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Dessì D., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fenu G., Consoli S., A recommender system of medical reports leveraging cognitive computing and frame semantics (2019), Intelligent Systems Reference Library
Atzeni M., Dridi A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Using frame-based resources for sentiment analysis within the financial domain (2018), Progress in Artificial Intelligence
Dessì D., Cirrone J., Recupero D.R., Shasha D., SuperNoder: a tool to discover over-represented modular structures in networks (2018), BMC bioinformatics
Atzeni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fine-Tuning of Word Embeddings for Semantic Sentiment Analysis (2018), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Buscaldi D., Gangemi A., Recupero D., Preface (2018), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Atzeni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Deep learning and sentiment analysis for human-robot interaction (2018), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Chaoua I., Recupero D., Consoli S., Härmä A., Helaoui R., Detecting and tracking ongoing topics in psychotherapeutic conversations (2018), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Ferru D.S., Ibba F., Recupero D.R., Supervised topic-based message polarity classification using cognitive computing (2018), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Corriga A., Cusimano S., Malloci F.M., Marchesi L., Recupero D.R., Leveraging cognitive computing for gender and emotion detection (2018), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Dessì D., Fenu G., Marras M., Reforgiato Recupero D., COCO: Semantic-enriched collection of online courses at scale with experimental use cases (2018), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Alam M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Mongiovi M., Gangemi A., Ristoski P., Event-based knowledge reconciliation using frame embeddings and frame similarity (2017), Knowledge-Based Systems
Consoli S., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Mongiovi' M., Gangemi A., Producing Linked Data for Smart Cities: The Case of Catania (2017), Big Data Research
Alam M., Recupero D.R., Mongiovi M., Gangemi A., Ristoski P., Reconciling event-based knowledge through RDF2Vec (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Atzeni M., Dridi A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fine-grained sentiment analysis on financial microblogs and news headlines (2017), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Reforgiato Recupero D., Cambria E., Di Rosa E., Semantic sentiment analysis challenge at ESWC2017 (2017), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Meloni A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Gangemi A., AMR2FRED, A Tool for Translating Abstract Meaning Representation to Motif-Based Linguistic Knowledge Graphs (2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Dessì D., Fenu G., Marras M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Leveraging Cognitive Computing for Multi-class Classification of E-learning Videos (2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Iguider W., Reforgiato Recupero D., Language independent sentiment analysis of the Shukran social network using apache spark (2017), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Alam M., Recupero D.R., Mongiovi M., Gangemi A., Ristoski P., Frame embeddings for event-based knowledge reconciliation (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Recupero D.R., Alam M., Gangemi A., Presutti V., Frame semantic parsing using Framester knowledge graphs (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Dessì D., Recupero D.R., Fenu G., Consoli S., Exploiting cognitive computing and frame semantic features for biomedical document clustering (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Dessì N., Pani M., Pes B., Recupero D., An approach for discovering and exploring semantic relationships between genes (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Asprino L., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Russo A., Autonomous comprehensive geriatric assessment (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Kouroupetroglou C., Casey D., Raciti M., Barrett E., D'Onofrio G., Ricciardi F., Giuliani F., Greco A., Sancarlo D., Mannion A., Whelan S., Pegman G., Koumpis A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Kouroupetroglou A., Santorelli A., Interacting with Dementia: The MARIO Approach (2017), Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Dridi A., Atzeni M., Recupero D.R., Bearish-bullish sentiment analysis on financial microblogs (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Dridi A., Recupero D.R., MORE SENSE: MOvie REviews SENtiment analysis boosted with SEmantics (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Gangemi A., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Nuzzolese A.G., Draicchio F., Mongiovì M., Semantic Web Machine Reading with FRED (2017), Semantic Web
Gangemi A., Recupero D.R., Mongiovì M., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Identifying motifs for evaluating open knowledge extraction on the Web (2016), Knowledge-Based Systems
Mongiovì M., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., Presutti V., Consoli S., Merging open knowledge extracted from text with MERGILO (2016), Knowledge-Based Systems
Dessi N., Garau G., Recupero D.R., Pes B., Increasing open government data transparency with spatial dimension (2016), Proceedings - 25th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2016
Reforgiato Recupero D., Castronovo M., Consoli S., Costanzo T., Gangemi A., Grasso L., Lodi G., Merendino G., Mongiovì M., Presutti V., Rapisarda S.D., Rosa S., Spampinato E., An Innovative, Open, Interoperable Citizen Engagement Cloud Platform for Smart Government and Users’ Interaction (2016), Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Gangemi A., Alam M., Asprino L., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Framester: A wide coverage linguistic linked data hub (2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Reforgiato Recupero D., ACM: Article content miner for assessing the quality of scientific output (2016), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Dragoni M., Reforgiato Recupero D., Challenge on fine-grained sentiment analysis within ESWC2016 (2016), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Hossayni S.A., Rajati M.R., Del Acebo E., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., Akbarzadeht M.R., De La Rosa Esteva J.L., Towards interval version of fuzzy synsets (2016), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Adjective semantics in open knowledge extraction (2016), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Hossayni S.A., Akbarzadeh-T M.R., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., De La Rosa I Esteva J.L., Fuzzy synsets, and lexicon-based sentiment analysis (2016), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Presutti V., Nuzzolese A.G., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Recupero D.R., From hyperlinks to Semantic Web properties using Open Knowledge Extraction (2016), Semantic Web
Mongiovì M., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., Presutti V., Nuzzolese A.G., Consoli S., Semantic reconciliation of knowledge extracted from text through a novel machine reader (2015), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP 2015
Consoli S., Presutti V., Recupero D., Cataldi G., Mongiovì M., Patatu W., An urban fault reporting and management platform for smart cities (2015), WWW 2015 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web
Recupero D.R., Nuzzolese A.G., Consoli S., Presutti V., Peroni S., Mongiovì M., Extracting knowledge from text using SHELDON, a semantic holistic framEwork for LinkeD ONtology data (2015), WWW 2015 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web
Consoli S., Mongiovì M., Nuzzolese A., Peroni S., Presutti V., Recupero D., Spampinato D., A smart city data model based on semantics best practice and principles (2015), WWW 2015 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web
Gentile A.L., Acosta M., Costabello L., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Conference live: Accessible and sociable conference semantic data (2015), WWW 2015 Companion - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web
Reforgiato Recupero D., Presutti V., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Sentilo: Frame-Based Sentiment Analysis (2015), Cognitive Computation
Recupero D.R., Dragoni M., Presutti V., ESWC 15 challenge on concept-level sentiment analysis (2015), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Recupero D.R., MACJa: Metadata and citations jailbreaker (2015), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Using FRED for named entity resolution, linking and typing for knowledge base population (2015), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Mourshed M., Robert S., Ranalli A., Messervey T., Reforgiato D., Contreau R., Becue A., Quinn K., Rezgui Y., Lennard Z., Smart Grid Futures: Perspectives on the Integration of Energy and ICT Services (2015), Energy Procedia
Kouroupetroglou C., Piso M., Derguech W., Curry E., Mink J., Recupero D.R., Raciti M., Van Slooten J., Coakley D., Engaging users in tracking their water usage behavior (2015), Procedia Engineering
Recupero D.R., Nuzzolese A.G., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Presutti V., SHELDON: Semantic holistic framework for linked ontology data (2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Consoli S., Nuzzolese A., Presutti V., Recupero D., Gangemi A., Legalo: Revealing the semantics of links (2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Gangemi A., Presutti V., Reforgiato Recupero D., Frame-based detection of opinion holders and topics: A model and a tool (2014), IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
Gangemi A., Hassan E., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., FRED as an event extraction tool (2014), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Recupero D.R., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Presutti V., Spampinato D., Semantic web-based sentiment analysis (2014), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Presutti V., Recupero D.R., Spampinato D., Towards emergency vehicle routing using Geolinked Open Data: The case study of the Municipality of Catania (2014), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Gangemi A., Alani H., Nissim M., Cambria E., Recupero D.R., Preface (2014), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Presutti V., Consoli S., Nuzzolese A.G., Recupero D.R., Gangemi A., Bannour I., Zargayouna H., Uncovering the semantics of Wikipedia pagelinks (2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Recupero D.R., Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Spampinato D., A semantic web based core engine to efficiently perform sentiment analysis (2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A.G., Peroni S., Recupero D.R., Spampinato D., Setting the course of emergency vehicle routing using Geolinked open data for the municipality of catania (2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Reforgiato Recupero D., Cambria E., ESWC’14 challenge on Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis (2014), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Presutti V., Stankovic M., Cambria E., Cantador I., Di Iorio A., Di Noia T., Lange C., Reforgiato Recupero D., Semantic Web Evaluation Challenge: SemWebEval 2014 at ESWC 2014 Anissaras, Crete, Greece, May 25–29, 2014 Revised Selected Papers (2014), Communications in Computer and Information Science
Consoli S., Gangemi A., Nuzzolese A., Peroni S., Presutti V., Recupero D., Spampinato D., Geolinked open data for the municipality of Catania (2014), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Consoli S., Recupero D.R., Zavarella V., A survey on tidal analysis and forecasting methods for Tsunami detection (2014), Science of Tsunami Hazards
Bolla R., Bruschi R., Davoli F., Donadio P., Fialho L., Collier M., Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Szemethy T., A northbound interface for power management in next generation network devices (2014), IEEE Communications Magazine
Bolla R., Bruschi R., Davoli F., Donadio P., Fialho L., Collier M., Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Szemethy T., Exposing energy-aware capabilities in next generation network devices (2013), 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC 2013
Bolla R., Bruschi R., Davoli F., Di Gregorio L., Donadio P., Fialho L., Collier M., Lombardo A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Szemethy T., The green abstraction layer: A standard power-management interface for next-generation network devices (2013), IEEE Internet Computing
Incarbone G., Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., A comprehensive platform to manage peer churn and bandwidth fluctuations in real-time multimedia P2P networks (2013), Multimedia Tools and Applications
Recupero D.R., Toward a green internet (2013), Science
Gangemi A., Draicchio F., Presutti V., Nuzzolese A.G., Reforgiato D., A machine rèader for the semantic web (2013), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Schembra G., Design of a temperature-constrained governor to save energy in an open multi-frequency green router (2013), International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking
Reforgiato Recupero D., Toward a green Internet (Science (1533)) (2013), Science
Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Schembra G., Modeling temperature and dissipation behavior of an open multi-frequency green router (2012), 2012 IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications, GreenCom 2012
Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Riccobene V., Schembra G., A Markov model to control heat dissipation in open multi-frequency green routers (2012), 2012 Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability, SustainIT 2012
Favalli L., Folli M., Lombardo A., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., Design of a service platform for delay-sensitive video streaming applications based on multicast p2p and scalable MDC encoding (2012), Computer Communications
Reforgiato D., Lombardo A., Davoli F., Fialho L., Collier M., Donadio P., Bolla R., Bruschi R., Exporting data-plane energy-aware capabilities from network devices toward the control plane: The Green Abstraction Layer (2012), 2012 17th European Conference on Network and Optical Communications, NOC 2012, 7th Conference on Optical Cabling and Infrastructure, OC and I 2012
Lombardo A., Panarello C., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., Power control and management in the NetFPGA gigabit router (2012), 2012 Future Network and Mobile Summit, FutureNetw 2012
Lombardo A., Panarello C., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., Measuring and modeling energy consumption to design a green NetFPGA giga-router (2012), Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM
Lombardo A., Masto A., Reforgiato D., Schembra G., A dynamic jitter-controlled tree-based p2p network topology for multipoint multimedia applications (2012), Journal of Interconnection Networks
Lombardo A., Panarello C., Reforgiato D., Santagati E., Schembra G., A module for packet hijacking in NetFPGA platform (2011), Proceedings - 2011 14th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design: Architectures, Methods and Tools, DSD 2011
Giuffrida G., Reforgiato D., Tribulato G., Zarba C., A banner recommendation system based on web navigation history (2011), IEEE SSCI 2011: Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence - CIDM 2011: 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining
Udrea O., Recupero D.R., Subrahmanian V.S., Annotated RDF (2010), ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
Reforgiato D., Lombardo A., Schembra G., P2P and MPEG FGS encoding: A good recipe for multipoint video transmission on the internet (2009), International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
Reforgiato D., Gutierrez R., Shasha D., GraphClust: A method for clustering database of graphs (2008), Journal of Information and Knowledge Management
Subrahmanian V.S., Reforgiato D., AVA: Adjective-Verb-Adverb Combinations for Sentiment Analysis (2008), IEEE Intelligent Systems
Benamara F., Cesarano C., Picariello A., Reforgiato D., Subrahmanian V.S., Sentiment analysis: Adjectives and adverbs are better than adjectives alone (2007), ICWSM 2007 - International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
Cesarano C., Picariello A., Reforgiato D., Subrahmanian V.S., The OASYS 2.0 opinion analysis system: A demo (2007), ICWSM 2007 - International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
Recupero D.R., A new unsupervised method for document clustering by using WordNet lexical and conceptual relations (2007), Information Retrieval
Battiato S., Di Blasi G., Reforgiato D., Advanced indexing schema for imaging applications: Three case studies (2007), IET Image Processing
Subrahmanian V.S., Albanese M., Martinez M.V., Nau D., Reforgiato D., Simari G.I., Sliva A., Udrea O., Wilkenfeld J., CARA: A cultural-reasoning architecture (2007), IEEE Intelligent Systems
Cesarano C., Picariello A., Reforgiato D., Sagoff A., Subrahmanian V.S., Dorr B., Opinion analysis in document databases (2006), AAAI Spring Symposium - Technical Report
Udrea O., Recupero D.R., Subrahmanian V.S., Annotated RDF (2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Recupero D.R., Strutture dati e algoritmi per problemi di ottimizzazione e di ricerca in spazi metrici e grafi (2005), Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana A
Cantone D., Ferro A., Pulvirenti A., Recupero D.R., Shasha D., Antipole tree indexing to support range search and k-nearest neighbor search in metric spaces (2005), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Giugno R., Pulvirenti A., Reforgiato Recupero D., Clustered trie structures for approximate search in hierarchical objects collections (2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Massa S.M., Porcu E., Riboni D., An Initial Investigation of Mental Well-being Monitoring through Personal Healthcare Devices (2024), UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Zolfaghari S., Kristoffersson A., Folke M., Lindén M., Riboni D., Unobtrusive Cognitive Assessment in Smart-Homes: Leveraging Visual Encoding and Synthetic Movement Traces Data Mining (2024), Sensors
Corda E., Massa S.M., Riboni D., Context-Aware Behavioral Tips to Improve Sleep Quality via Machine Learning and Large Language Models (2024), Future Internet
Massa S.M., Riboni D., Nazarpour K., Explainable AI-Powered Graph Neural Networks for HD EMG-Based Gesture Intention Recognition (2024), IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
Zolfaghari S., Suravee S., Riboni D., Yordanova K., Sensor-Based Locomotion Data Mining for Supporting the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Survey (2024), ACM Computing Surveys
Civitarese G., Hirmer P., Indulska J., Bettini C., Nicklas D., Riboni D., Stuckenschmidt H., Wieland M., Bauer M., David K., Dürr F., Pinheiro M.K., Lalanda P., Zhong M., CoMoRea 2024: 20th Workshop on Context and Activity Modeling and Recognition - Welcome and Committees (2024), 2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2024
Zolfaghari S., Massa S.M., Riboni D., Activity Recognition in Smart Homes via Feature-Rich Visual Extraction of Locomotion Traces (2023), Electronics (Switzerland)
Massa S.M., Usai G., Riboni D., Monitoring Human Attention with a Portable EEG Sensor and Supervised Machine Learning (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Zolfaghari S., Khodabandehloo E., Riboni D., TraMiner: Vision-Based Analysis of Locomotion Traces for Cognitive Assessment in Smart-Homes (2022), Cognitive Computation
Khodabandehloo E., Alimohammadi A., Riboni D., FreeSia: A Cyber-physical System for Cognitive Assessment through Frequency-domain Indoor Locomotion Analysis (2022), ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
Massa S.M., Riboni D., Nazarpour K., Graph Neural Networks for HD EMG-based Movement Intention Recognition: An Initial Investigation (2022), RASSE 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Systems Science and Engineering, Symposium Proceedings
Zolfaghari S., Loddo A., Pes B., Riboni D., A Combination of Visual and Temporal Trajectory Features for Cognitive Assessment in Smart Home (2022), Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
Manca M.M., Pes B., Riboni D., Exploiting Feature Selection in Human Activity Recognition: Methodological Insights and Empirical Results Using Mobile Sensor Data (2022), IEEE Access
Loddo A., Pes B., Riboni D., Feature Selection in Mobile Activity Recognition: A Comparative Study (2021), Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
Massa S.M., Pibiri M., Riboni D., Towards EEG-based Performance Assessment in Dataset Annotation Tasks (2021), 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2021
Khodabandehloo E., Riboni D., Alimohammadi A., HealthXAI: Collaborative and explainable AI for supporting early diagnosis of cognitive decline (2021), Future Generation Computer Systems
Cuncu E., Manca M.M., Pes B., Riboni D., Towards Context-aware Power Forecasting in Smart-homes (2021), Procedia Computer Science
Contu F., Demontis A., Dessì S., Muscas M., Riboni D., AI-based analysis of policies and images for privacy-conscious content sharing (2021), Future Internet
Civitarese G., Sztyler T., Riboni D., Bettini C., Stuckenschmidt H., POLARIS: Probabilistic and ontological activity recognition in smart-homes (2021), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Khodabandehloo E., Riboni D., Collaborative Trajectory Mining in Smart-Homes to Support Early Diagnosis of Cognitive Decline (2021), IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing
Zolfaghari S., Khodabandehloo E., Riboni D., Towards Vision-based Analysis of Indoor Trajectories for Cognitive Assessment (2020), Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing, SMARTCOMP 2020
Zedda A., Gusai E., Caruso M., Bertuletti S., Baldazzi G., Spanu S., Riboni D., Pibiri A., Monticone M., Cereatti A., Pani D., DoMoMEA: A Home-Based Telerehabilitation System for Stroke Patients (2020), Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS
Matassa A., Riboni D., Reasoning with smart objects’ affordance for personalized behavior monitoring in pervasive information systems (2020), Knowledge and Information Systems
Riboni D., Murru F., Unsupervised Recognition of Multi-Resident Activities in Smart-Homes (2020), IEEE Access
Riboni D., Murtas M., Sensor-based activity recognition: One picture is worth a thousand words (2019), Future Generation Computer Systems
Riboni D., Opportunistic pervasive computing: adaptive context recognition and interfaces (2019), CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction
Toch E., Bettini C., Shmueli E., Radaelli L., Lanzi A., Riboni D., Lepri B., The privacy implications of cyber security systems: A technological survey (2019), ACM Computing Surveys
Civitarese G., Bettini C., Sztyler T., Riboni D., Stuckenschmidt H., newNECTAR: Collaborative active learning for knowledge-based probabilistic activity recognition (2019), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Riboni D., Mecella M., Situation-aware intelligent environments (2019), Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
Lukowicz P., Riboni D., Augusto J., Mecella M., Preface (2018), Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2018
Civitarese G., Bettini C., Sztyler T., Riboni D., Stuckenschmidt H., NECTAR: Knowledge-based Collaborative Active Learning for Activity Recognition (2018), 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2018
Riboni D., Special issue on context awareness (2018), Information (Switzerland)
Curci S., Mura A., Riboni D., Toward naturalistic self-monitoring of medicine intake (2017), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Riboni D., Murtas M., Web mining & computer vision: New partners for object-based activity recognition (2017), Proceedings - 2017 IEEE 26th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE 2017
Curci S., Mura A., Riboni D., Demonstration of a sensor-based app for self-monitoring of medicine intake (2017), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Becker C., Dürr F., Payton J., Riboni D., Special Issue IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) 2016 (2017), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Riboni D., Sztyler T., Civitarese G., Stuckenschmidt H., Unsupervised recognition of interleaved activities of daily living through ontological and probabilistic reasoning (2016), UbiComp 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
Becker C., Düff F., Payton J., Riboni D., Welcome Message from the Technical Program Chairs (2016), 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2016
Riboni D., Civitarese G., Bettini C., Analysis of long-term abnormal behaviors for early detection of cognitive decline (2016), 2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2016
Janjua Z.H., Riboni D., Bettini C., Towards automatic induction of abnormal behavioral patterns for recognizing mild cognitive impairment (2016), Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Riboni D., Bettini C., Civitarese G., Janjua Z., Helaoui R., SmartFABER: Recognizing fine-grained abnormal behaviors for early detection of mild cognitive impairment (2016), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Riboni D., Context-aware pervasive interfaces (2015), IEEE Internet Computing
Riboni D., Bettini C., Civitarese G., Janjua Z.H., Helaoui R., Fine-grained recognition of abnormal behaviors for early detection of mild cognitive impairment (2015), 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2015
Civitarese G., Janjua Z., Riboni D., Bettini C., Demo abstract: Demonstration of the FABER system for fine-grained recognition of abnormal behaviors (2015), 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2015
Riboni D., Wieland M., CoMoRea 2015: 11th International workshop on context and activity modeling and recognition - Welcome and committees (2015), 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2015
Riboni D., Bettini C., Civitarese G., Janjua Z., Bulgari V., From lab to life: Fine-grained behavior monitoring in the elderly's home (2015), 2015 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2015
Riboni D., Villani A., Vitali D., Bettini C., Mancini L.V., Obfuscation of sensitive data for incremental release of network flows (2015), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
Bettini C., Riboni D., Privacy protection in pervasive systems: State of the art and technical challenges (2015), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Riboni D., Bettini C., Incremental release of differentially-private check-in data (2015), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Riboni D., Bettini C., Differentially-private release of check-in data for venue recommendation (2014), 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2014
Lukowicz P., Nicklas D., Riboni D., Wieland M., ACOMORE'14: The first symposium on activity and context modeling and recognition, 2014 - Welcome and committees (2014), 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops, PERCOM WORKSHOPS 2014
Guo B., Riboni D., Hu P., Preface (2013), Creating Personal, Social, and Urban Awareness through Pervasive Computing
Riboni D., Helaoui R., Research challenges for personal and collective awareness (2013), Creating Personal, Social, and Urban Awareness through Pervasive Computing
Guo B., Riboni D., Hu P., Creating personal, social, and urban awareness through pervasive computing (2013), Creating Personal, Social, and Urban Awareness through Pervasive Computing
Riboni D., Bettini C., A platform for privacy-preserving geo-social recommendation of points of interest (2013), Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
Villani A., Riboni D., Vitali D., Bettini C., Mancini L., Obsidian: A scalable and efficient framework for NetFlow obfuscation (2013), Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM
Nicklas D., Riboni D., Wieland M., CoMoRea 2013: 10th IEEE workshop on context modeling and reasoning 2013-committees and welcome : ssage from CoMoRea 2013 co-chairs (2013), 2013 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2013
Helaoui R., Riboni D., Stuckenschmidt H., A probabilistic ontological framework for the recognition of multilevel human activities (2013), UbiComp 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
Riboni D., Xu J., Message from the workshops chairs (2013), Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
Villani A., Riboni D., Vitali D., Bettini C., Mancini L., Obsidian: A scalable and efficient framework for NetFlow obfuscation (2013), 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, INFOCOM WKSHPS 2013
Helaoui R., Riboni D., Niepert M., Bettini C., Stuckenschmidt H., Towards activity recognition using probabilistic description logics (2012), AAAI Workshop - Technical Report
Riboni D., Bettini C., Context provenance to enhance the dependability of ambient intelligence systems (2012), Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Riboni D., Villani A., Vitali D., Bettini C., Mancini L.V., Obfuscation of sensitive data in network flows (2012), Proceedings - IEEE INFOCOM
Riboni D., Bettini C., Private context-aware recommendation of points of interest: An initial investigation (2012), 2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PERCOM Workshops 2012
Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., JS-reduce: Defending your data from sequential background knowledge attacks (2012), IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
Coloberti M., Lombriser C., Roggen D., Tröster G., Guarneri R., Riboni D., Service discovery and composition in body area networks (2011), BODYNETS 2008 - 3rd International ICST Conference on Body Area Networks
Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., Integrating identity, location, and absence privacy in context-aware retrieval of points of interest (2011), Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
Riboni D., Pareschi L., Radaelli L., Bettini C., Is ontology-based activity recognition really effective? (2011), 2011 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PERCOM Workshops 2011
Nicklas D., Riboni D., Wieland M., CoMoRea 2011: 8th IEEE workshop on Context Modeling and Reasoning - Committees and welcome (2011), 2011 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PERCOM Workshops 2011
Riboni D., Bettini C., COSAR: Hybrid reasoning for context-Aware activity recognition (2011), Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Riboni D., Bettini C., OWL 2 modeling and reasoning with complex human activities (2011), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., Towards the adaptive integration of multiple context reasoners in pervasive computing environments (2010), 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PERCOM Workshops 2010
Malandrino D., Mazzoni F., Riboni D., Bettini C., Colajanni M., Scarano V., MIMOSA: Context-aware adaptation for ubiquitous web access (2010), Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Bettini C., Brdiczka O., Henricksen K., Indulska J., Nicklas D., Ranganathan A., Riboni D., A survey of context modelling and reasoning techniques (2010), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., POIsafe: A privacy-conscious system for retrieval of points of interest (2009), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., Jajodia S., Preserving anonymity of recurrent location-based queries (2009), TIME 2009 - 16th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
Riboni D., Bettini C., Context-aware activity recognition through a combination of ontological and statistical reasoning (2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Riboni D., Towards the combination of statistical and symbolic techniques for activity recognition (2009), 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2009
Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., Privacy in georeferenced context-aware services: A survey (2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Riboni D., Bettini C., Cor-split: Defending privacy in data re-publication from historical correlations and compromised tuples (2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., Hybrid reasoning in the CARE middleware for context awareness (2009), International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., Privacy in georeferenced context-aware services: A survey (2008), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Pareschi L., Riboni D., Agostini A., Bettini C., Composition and generalization of context data for privacy preservation (2008), 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2008
Pareschi L., Riboni D., Bettini C., Protecting users' anonymity in pervasive computing environments (2008), 6th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2008
Riboni D., Pareschi L., Bettini C., Shadow attacks on users' anonymity in pervasive computing environments (2008), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Bettini C., Pareschi L., Riboni D., Efficient profile aggregation and policy evaluation in a middleware for adaptive mobile applications (2008), Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Pareschi L., Riboni D., Mascetti S., Bettini C., Towards privacy protection in a middleware for context-awareness (2007), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Patrikakis C., Karamolegkos P., Voulodimos A., Abd Wahab M.H., Mohd Taujuddin N.S.A., Hanif C., Pareschi L., Riboni D., Weber S.G., Heinemann A., Cheung S.c.S., Chaudhari J., Paruchuri J.K., Security and privacy in pervasive computing (2007), IEEE Pervasive Computing
Bettini C., Maggiorini D., Riboni D., Distributed context monitoring for the adaptation of continuous services (2007), World Wide Web
Bettini C., Riboni D., Context-aware Web services for distributed retrieval of points of interest (2007), Second International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, ICIW'07
Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., A performance evaluation of ontology-based context reasoning (experience report) (2007), Proceedings - Fifth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2007
Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., Online ontological reasoning for context-aware internet services (2006), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Grieco R., Malandrino D., Mazzoni F., Riboni D., Context-aware provision of advanced Internet services (2006), Proceedings - Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2006
Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., Experience report: Ontological reasoning for context-aware internet services (2006), Proceedings - Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2006
Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., Loosely coupling ontological reasoning with an efficient middleware for context-awareness (2005), MobiQuitous 2005: Second Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems -Networking and Services
Maggiorini D., Riboni D., Continuous media adaptation for mobile computing using coarse-grained asynchronous notifications (2005), Proceedings - 2005 Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops, SAINT2005
Agostini A., Bettini C., Riboni D., Demo: Ontology-based context-aware delivery of extended points of interest (2005), Proceedings - Sixth International Conference on Mobile Data Management, MDM'05
Agostini A., Bettini C., Cesa-Bianchi N., Maggiorini D., Riboni D., Ruberl M., Sala C., Vitali D., Towards highly adaptive services for mobile computing (2005), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Bettini C., Maggiorini D., Riboni D., Distributed context monitoring for continuous mobile services (2005), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
Bettini C., Cesa-Bianchi N., Riboni D., A distributed architecture for management and retrieval of extended points of interest (2005), Proceedings - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
Bettini C., Riboni D., Profile aggregation and policy evaluation for adaptive internet services (2004), Proceedings of MOBIQUITOUS 2004 - 1st Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services