Livio Pompianu is an Assistant Professor (RTDa) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari.
Livio started working as Research Fellow at the University of Cagliari during his MSc. Later, he continued his research activity in Cagliari, first as a PhD student (2014) and then as a post-doc (2018). In 2017 he was visiting PhD student at the University of Stirling (UK). He got his PhD in 2018 with a thesis entitled "Analysing blockchains and smart contracts: tools and techniques". Currently, he is a member of the research groups: Distributed Ledger Technology, Blockchain@Unica, and Trustworthy Computational Societies.
His research primarily focuses on information security, and more specifically, is related to the following fields:
He is co-author of several scientific conference papers and journal articles in these research fields, with more than 300 citations.
He works as technical director and solution architect for research groups and companies, designing and developing software solutions (for instance, in the projects Score, Intellicredit).
Moreover, he is the author, developer, and maintainer of the open-source projects:
Document title | Author | Years | Source |
HUMAD 2024: International Workshop on Human-Centered Modeling and Adaptation for Digital Transformation | Balloccu S., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Saia R., Salatino A.A., | 2024 | UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
Towards Knowledge Graph Refinement: Misdirected Triple Identification | Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., | 2024 | UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization |
CARgram: CNN-based accident recognition from road sounds through intensity-projected spectrogram analysis | Podda A.S., Balia R., Pompianu L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., | 2024 | Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal |
Enhancing workplace safety: A flexible approach for personal protective equipment monitoring | Pisu A., Elia N., Pompianu L., Barchi F., Acquaviva A., Carta S., | 2024 | Expert Systems with Applications |
A Zero-Shot Strategy for Knowledge Graph Engineering Using GPT-3.5 | Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., | 2024 | Procedia Computer Science |
Classifying Scientific Topic Relationships with SciBERT | Pisu A., Pompianu L., Salatino A., Osborne F., Riboni D., Motta E., Recupero D.R., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Leveraging Language Models for Generating Ontologies of Research Topics | Pisu A., Pompianu L., Salatino A., Osborne F., Riboni D., Motta E., Recupero D.R., | 2024 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
Brain Waves Combined with Evoked Potentials as Biometric Approach for User Identification: A Survey | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2024 | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems |
Influencing brain waves by evoked potentials as biometric approach: taking stock of the last six years of research | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2023 | Neural Computing and Applications |
Leveraging the Training Data Partitioning to Improve Events Characterization in Intrusion Detection Systems | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2023 | Journal of Advances in Information Technology |
Empowering Digital Transformation in Tourism through Intelligent Methods for Representation and Exploitation of Cultural Heritage Knowledge | Carta S., Fenu G., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Marras M., Piano L., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., | 2023 | CEUR Workshop Proceedings |
A Region-based Training Data Segmentation Strategy to Credit Scoring | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2022 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography |
Brain Waves and Evoked Potentials as Biometric User Identification Strategy: An Affordable Low-cost Approach | Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., | 2022 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography |
Smart Contracts for Certified and Sustainable Safety-Critical Continuous Monitoring Applications | Elia N., Barchi F., Parisi E., Pompianu L., Carta S., Bartolini A., Acquaviva A., | 2022 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
A blockchain-based distributed paradigm to secure localization services | Saia R., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fenu G., | 2021 | Sensors |
From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case Study on an Italian Banking Institution | Saia R., Giuliani A., Pompianu L., Carta S., | 2021 | International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, IC3K - Proceedings |
Cryptocurrency scams: Analysis and perspectives | Bartoletti M., Lande S., Loddo A., Pompianu L., Serusi S., | 2021 | IEEE Access |
An overview of blockchain-based systems and smart contracts for digital coupons | Podda A.S., Pompianu L., | 2020 | Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops, ICSEW 2020 |
A Journey into Bitcoin Metadata | Bartoletti M., Bellomy B., Pompianu L., | 2019 | Journal of Grid Computing |
Blockchain for social good: A quantitative analysis | Bartoletti M., Pompianu L., Cimoli T., Serusi S., | 2018 | ACM International Conference Proceeding Series |
A general framework for blockchain analytics | Bartoletti M., Lande S., Pompianu L., Bracciali A., | 2017 | SERIAL 2017 - 1st Workshop on Scalable and Resilient Infrastructures for Distributed Ledgers, Colocated with ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2017 Conference |
Contract-oriented programming with timed session types | Atzei N., Bartoletti M., Cimoli T., Lande S., Murgia M., Podda A., Pompianu L., | 2017 | Behavioural Types: from Theory to Tools English |
An Empirical analysis of smart contracts: Platforms, applications, and design patterns | Bartoletti M., Pompianu L., | 2017 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
An analysis of bitcoin OP_RETURN metadata | Bartoletti M., Pompianu L., | 2017 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
A contract-oriented middleware | Bartoletti M., Cimoli T., Murgia M., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., | 2016 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Compliance and subtyping in timed session types | Bartoletti M., Cimoli T., Murgia M., Podda A., Pompianu L., | 2015 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) |
Balloccu S., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Saia R., Salatino A.A., HUMAD 2024: International Workshop on Human-Centered Modeling and Adaptation for Digital Transformation (2024), UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., Towards Knowledge Graph Refinement: Misdirected Triple Identification (2024), UMAP 2024 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Podda A.S., Balia R., Pompianu L., Carta S., Fenu G., Saia R., CARgram: CNN-based accident recognition from road sounds through intensity-projected spectrogram analysis (2024), Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal
Pisu A., Elia N., Pompianu L., Barchi F., Acquaviva A., Carta S., Enhancing workplace safety: A flexible approach for personal protective equipment monitoring (2024), Expert Systems with Applications
Carta S., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Piano L., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., A Zero-Shot Strategy for Knowledge Graph Engineering Using GPT-3.5 (2024), Procedia Computer Science
Pisu A., Pompianu L., Salatino A., Osborne F., Riboni D., Motta E., Recupero D.R., Classifying Scientific Topic Relationships with SciBERT (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Pisu A., Pompianu L., Salatino A., Osborne F., Riboni D., Motta E., Recupero D.R., Leveraging Language Models for Generating Ontologies of Research Topics (2024), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., Brain Waves Combined with Evoked Potentials as Biometric Approach for User Identification: A Survey (2024), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., Influencing brain waves by evoked potentials as biometric approach: taking stock of the last six years of research (2023), Neural Computing and Applications
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., Leveraging the Training Data Partitioning to Improve Events Characterization in Intrusion Detection Systems (2023), Journal of Advances in Information Technology
Carta S., Fenu G., Giuliani A., Manca M.M., Marras M., Piano L., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Tiddia S.G., Empowering Digital Transformation in Tourism through Intelligent Methods for Representation and Exploitation of Cultural Heritage Knowledge (2023), CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., A Region-based Training Data Segmentation Strategy to Credit Scoring (2022), Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Saia R., Carta S., Fenu G., Pompianu L., Brain Waves and Evoked Potentials as Biometric User Identification Strategy: An Affordable Low-cost Approach (2022), Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Elia N., Barchi F., Parisi E., Pompianu L., Carta S., Bartolini A., Acquaviva A., Smart Contracts for Certified and Sustainable Safety-Critical Continuous Monitoring Applications (2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Saia R., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., Reforgiato Recupero D., Fenu G., A blockchain-based distributed paradigm to secure localization services (2021), Sensors
Saia R., Giuliani A., Pompianu L., Carta S., From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case Study on an Italian Banking Institution (2021), International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, IC3K - Proceedings
Bartoletti M., Lande S., Loddo A., Pompianu L., Serusi S., Cryptocurrency scams: Analysis and perspectives (2021), IEEE Access
Podda A.S., Pompianu L., An overview of blockchain-based systems and smart contracts for digital coupons (2020), Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering Workshops, ICSEW 2020
Bartoletti M., Bellomy B., Pompianu L., A Journey into Bitcoin Metadata (2019), Journal of Grid Computing
Bartoletti M., Pompianu L., Cimoli T., Serusi S., Blockchain for social good: A quantitative analysis (2018), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Bartoletti M., Lande S., Pompianu L., Bracciali A., A general framework for blockchain analytics (2017), SERIAL 2017 - 1st Workshop on Scalable and Resilient Infrastructures for Distributed Ledgers, Colocated with ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2017 Conference
Atzei N., Bartoletti M., Cimoli T., Lande S., Murgia M., Podda A., Pompianu L., Contract-oriented programming with timed session types (2017), Behavioural Types: from Theory to Tools English
Bartoletti M., Pompianu L., An Empirical analysis of smart contracts: Platforms, applications, and design patterns (2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Bartoletti M., Pompianu L., An analysis of bitcoin OP_RETURN metadata (2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Bartoletti M., Cimoli T., Murgia M., Podda A.S., Pompianu L., A contract-oriented middleware (2016), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Bartoletti M., Cimoli T., Murgia M., Podda A., Pompianu L., Compliance and subtyping in timed session types (2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)